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RELEASED Jammin' Tracks 2.6

New Update! 207 VGMs for Glad Giraffe! Last Updated July 5th!

  1. samuelandhisdog

    samuelandhisdog Big Damn Hero

    Status of requests Version 2.5:

    Serpent Eating the Ground - Included in 2.5
    In Your belief - Included in 2.5
    Asuras' Theme - Can't find it
    Durgas' Theme - Can't find it
    Fang - Can't find it
    Wind (Yasha's Theme) - Can't find it

    The Extreme - Included in 2.5
    Maybe I'm a Lion - Sounds horrible
    All Included in 2.5
    Hills of Radiant Winds - Included in 2.5
    ?Kaines Theme? Huge typo in request - Included in 2.5
    Emil (Sacrifice) - Included in 2.5
    Ashes of Dreams / Yonah - Included in 2.5

    Nascence - Included in 2.5
    I Was Born For This - Included in 2.5
    Apotheosis - Included in 2.5

    Heart of Chaos - Can't find it
    The World Ends With You
    No MIDIs found
    Dragon Quest
    Overture/Main Theme - Included in 2.5
    Demon's Souls
    Intro Theme - Can't find it
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2015
    Dragon_Tom005 likes this.
  2. Exsistentiam

    Exsistentiam Pangalactic Porcupine

    I forgot a few more lol
    The extreme
    Maybe im a lion
    And P4
    Persuing your true self
    Your affection
    And reach out to the truth
  3. Exsistentiam

    Exsistentiam Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ummmm.... im back again but i promise I'll leave you alone for a while after this i just keep remembering songs i want (i havent had internet for a while) so lets get this last batch over with
    Asura's wrath
    Wind (yashas theme)
    Hills of raidiant winds
    Kines theme (or however you spell her name)
    Emils theme (sad)
    Ashes of dreams
    I was born for this
    Heart of chaos
    World ends with you
    Deja vu
    Dragon quest
    Demon souls
    And also stick whatever castlevania symphony of the night music you can
    (I apologize 3 quathers of this is from my brother (hes a bit of a sadist)(he also say he wants it done by yesterday pretty please)i apologize once more i will leave you alone but you'll probably have my brother to deal with now)
  4. samuelandhisdog

    samuelandhisdog Big Damn Hero

    holy shit this is alot
  5. Exsistentiam

    Exsistentiam Pangalactic Porcupine

    I apologize once more. Just do what you can i suppose.
  6. samuelandhisdog

    samuelandhisdog Big Damn Hero

    can you specify which of these are games and which are songs from the games? its tricky to determine with the not so obvious ones
  7. Exsistentiam

    Exsistentiam Pangalactic Porcupine

    The names of the games are there already but ill make a list of the game names hopefully that'll be enough if not then I'llmake a more specific list of both games and ost. So the games are
    Asuras wrath
    The world ends with you
    Dragon quest and demon souls and in a previous request i asked for some FF8 and persona 4 songs
  8. samuelandhisdog

    samuelandhisdog Big Damn Hero

  9. samuelandhisdog

    samuelandhisdog Big Damn Hero

    Finished all requests, however I would like you to specify the Dragon's Quest request in a bit more detail. Other than that, I have 20 songs ready for 2.5.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2015
  10. Exsistentiam

    Exsistentiam Pangalactic Porcupine

    The dragon quest song is known as dragon quest prelude or overture or main theme
  11. samuelandhisdog

    samuelandhisdog Big Damn Hero

    from which game in the series? theres lots of them
  12. Exsistentiam

    Exsistentiam Pangalactic Porcupine

    this one the one thats in pretty much all of them
  13. samuelandhisdog

    samuelandhisdog Big Damn Hero

    gotcha i'll see to it when im not feeling sick tomorrow
  14. Exsistentiam

    Exsistentiam Pangalactic Porcupine

    Cool, thanks. sorry bout all the requests.
  15. samuelandhisdog

    samuelandhisdog Big Damn Hero

    it's no problem, honestly! I'd say the only real issue is searching around for a quality music sheet or MIDI for the requests when they don't exist. Even then, it's still really great to do this, and if you want to request more, don't be afraid to! :iswydt:
  16. Exsistentiam

    Exsistentiam Pangalactic Porcupine

    Awesome thanks again. You da man.
  17. samuelandhisdog

    samuelandhisdog Big Damn Hero

    samuelandhisdog updated Jammin' Tracks with a new update entry:

    Big Update! +21 New Songs!

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    Dragon_Tom005 likes this.
  18. Dragon_Tom005

    Dragon_Tom005 Existential Complex

    I like the shape this music mod is making.
    Would It be possible to find any music from the game FreeRealms? Preferably these 2 if you can. If not, Just put anything you can find or... Disregard this request. :3

  19. samuelandhisdog

    samuelandhisdog Big Damn Hero

    Status of requests Version 2.6:

    Last edited: Jun 12, 2016
    Dragon_Tom005 likes this.
  20. Dragon_Tom005

    Dragon_Tom005 Existential Complex

    *knowing that more music will eventually be added fills you with determination.

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