RELEASED Joja Ruins be gone!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by tiffy961, Nov 16, 2016.

  1. tiffy961

    tiffy961 Pangalactic Porcupine

    <3 Download <3
    IMPORTANT! Only install this version once the Market shuts down or it might cause some serious bugs!

    Hi there!

    I got very annoyed with the Joja Ruins ruining my beautiful town... So I decided to get rid of them and add some kind of little park.


    As per request I made another version with more benches and trees (which I personally like even more than the original).

    While I was at it, I also realised that there are a few other things that bug me a little about the town... So I fixed them as well.
    I made the paths more accessible for the horse (meaning I widened them and removed the table in front of the Major's house).
    I removed the tree stumps standing around and fixed most of the fences (mostly the ones on private properties).
    I also cleaned up the trash in front of the trailer.


    IMPORTANT! Only install this version once the Market shuts down or it will cause some serious bugs!

    That said, I also made a second version with just the general cleanups and the Joja Mart and ruins still intact.
    (I didn't do the fences in this version so there's only wider paths and trash and stumps removed)
    Download this version from here: Download

    This is a xnb. replacement, not a SMAPI mod.
    Simply replace the town.xnb in the folder:
    Stardew Valley\Content\Maps.

      Last edited: Sep 6, 2017
      booboobii, Medicell, Flumme and 12 others like this.
    • margotbean

      margotbean Existential Complex

      This is spectacular! You made it seem so easy to do, but (like me) many others have had trouble getting the maps to read new sprite sheets properly... What's your secret? Do you use tIDE as a map editor?
      Thank you for this!
        tiffy961 likes this.
      • tiffy961

        tiffy961 Pangalactic Porcupine

        Thank you, that made my day.
        Yes I'm using tide and it took me several days and attempts to get it to work but it wasn't actually that hard in the end. Just had to add the tile sheets I wanted to use to the map (as they were all already in the maps and general folder) and then put them together so it made sense.
        So glad someone found a liking to this.
          margotbean likes this.
        • Jokerine

          Jokerine Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          I really like this, tiffy, thank you! But any chance we could get some trees maybe or something, so it doesn't look so empty? Or a fountain maybe. That would be really cool :)
          • tiffy961

            tiffy961 Pangalactic Porcupine

            I can add trees, sure. The only fountain I could use would be the one that's already in town and I didn't just want two identical fountains so close to one another.
            If you have any more ideas let me know and I can try some stuff out.
            • Jokerine

              Jokerine Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              Oh, right, I forgot there is only the one fountain. Hm... Well, there is Monteso's really nice water fountain thingy here, but I dunno if it would be possible to add this in as a new object. Overall, I think some benches and trees there, just so it looks a bit more like a park, would be really nice :)
              • tiffy961

                tiffy961 Pangalactic Porcupine

                I won't be able to use that I'm afraid because it's a farm building. I see what I can do about the benches. Trees I can certainly do :D
                • Jokerine

                  Jokerine Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  Sounds good! :)
                  • DreamerDrop

                    DreamerDrop Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    This mod is 100% a godsend. I wish it was a default thing... Having that abandoned building lying around always felt so dreary and bleak. This is much more in tune with the overall feeling of the game! Thank you so much for this!
                      margotbean likes this.
                    • tiffy961

                      tiffy961 Pangalactic Porcupine

                      Okay! I think I'm done. Let me know if this is how you envisioned it or if you'd like some more trees and stuff.
                      Download here
                        margotbean, DreamerDrop and Jokerine like this.
                      • Jokerine

                        Jokerine Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                        Oh, that is beautiful! Perfect, I love it! I'll download and save for now and install it when I get rid of Joja. You rock, thanks again! <3

                        EDIT: Does this include the cleaned town, by any chance?
                          margotbean likes this.
                        • tiffy961

                          tiffy961 Pangalactic Porcupine

                          It should do, yes. As I simply took the map I already had and added to it.
                            Jokerine likes this.
                          • Jokerine

                            Jokerine Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                            Wonderful, thank you so much again! :)
                            • tiffy961

                              tiffy961 Pangalactic Porcupine

                              Any time! If people have some more ideas I'm happy to see what I can do :)
                                Coolwyngs, Jokerine and margotbean like this.
                              • hwayunhae

                                hwayunhae Pangalactic Porcupine

                                I'm working on porting this to work in ALL so that your beautiful ruins replacement can be used on all games, not just ones that only have post-community center save files. I intend to use it in my game, but if its okay with you, I'd like to upload it if I get it working.

                                Edit: 8000-ish lines of code later and I finished (mostly) porting your lovely garden to ALL. I say mostly because I didn't code in the removal of debris from the town yet, as I have Cleanup Crew and that does it for me. If you give me permission to upload it when you get around to checking this topic again, I'll probably add that code in for the end user.

                                Now to actually test it in-game. -pulls on coveralls and dons a hardhat- time to get bulldozing!
                                  Last edited: May 16, 2017
                                  tiffy961 and LadyEleven like this.
                                • tiffy961

                                  tiffy961 Pangalactic Porcupine

                                  As always you have my full permission to use my stuff. Would be happy if you could credit me, though :)
                                  • djursa

                                    djursa Orbital Explorer

                                    I love this design, I tried to download it and run it, but it said it had no manifest. I attached a thubnail.

                                      Attached Files:

                                    • tiffy961

                                      tiffy961 Pangalactic Porcupine

                                      I'm not really sure what's causing this because I'm not very good at things like this and it's working for me... Anyone else having the same problem by any chance?
                                      • Xuomi

                                        Xuomi Phantasmal Quasar

                                        @djursa That would only happen if you put the file in the SMAPI mods folder. This isn't a SMAPI mod. You need to replace the Town.xnb in Stardew Valley\Content\Maps.
                                          tiffy961 likes this.
                                        • tiffy961

                                          tiffy961 Pangalactic Porcupine

                                          Thank you for that! I had no idea.

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