Hey guys, I Decided to just replace an already NPC with my portraits in skin, since they are working in progress, I decided to show you some of my progress Portrait Expressions Screenshot (UPDATE) Portraits are availible, Although, I have no idea how to replace the name Sam with Kaiser, but for now, at least its compatible with the portaits, Now I gotta work on the actual sprites Also If you want to know more about this character, I made a seperate forum page for info about him http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/kaiser-leospike-npc-mod-in-progress.108518/#post-2809305
Just a Bump, I updated the Mod!, Its not yet downloadable, but at least the portraits are working, as soon as i can rework the dialogue and sprites, it will become accessible
It will be more cool if he can be a extra NPC and not substitute one... you gonna do it in the future? I don't really know how mods work, but I read in another post that it's possible somehow. And, do you gonna draw him more like SV style in the future? like, pixel style I mean.
Well, Since i am new at this mod deal, I really don't have a clue how to make him an extra NPC, and i would be willing to redesign his portrait to be more SDV style, but as you can see, I am not good at pixel art, So, it may take awhile to get its art style, but thank you for your response, I will be willing to work on this mod once i have some free time, which explains why I haven't done any updates, Since, I got school
Once I manage to make him as a seperate entity, He will no longer be a replaceable skin mod, and thanks for the honest response and follow too
Cool! You're welcome, I always support people's creativity And well, if you need someone who make the pixel art I think I can try it. I drew my avatar, so you can judge if you like how I draw.
Well it looks decent, and the art style reminds me of Harvest moon or Rune Factory, So yea, If you can try to redraw or should i say "repixelate" one of my portraits/emotions, I'll be willing to have you under my wing, Since doing pixel art is pain for me, it takes hours to work on that portrait, anyways, All the coding will be done by me, I need to the coding part anyways, cause im making my indie game, and THAT specific mod character, is actually to get people involved with my character
It sounds like a lot of work... I love indie RPG games, I admire the people who make them because I have no idea about progamming xD It will be fun if I can help you somehow, I'll show you my work as soon as it is ready
Well, here's my first attempt! I have to admit, it's my first time doing pixel art :v I'm used to use more colors and degradates than SDV style have, plus since Kaiser is not a human it's difficult to me make a comparison, but I think I can do something cool in the end with a bit more practice. So, what do you think? Tell me what I should change/improve
Woah, thats... too detailed... I like it, It can work, now you gotta do the whole portrait thing.... Yea, sorry for that
I'd decided, If you like, I think its best you should do the pixel part, the coding part, well, that I can do, Making such a detailed portrait in like one day?!, I don't think this isnt your first time doing pixel art