Modding Discussion Kantai Collection Mod

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Machy, May 2, 2016.

  1. Xary

    Xary Big Damn Hero

    So uh.....anything happening with this or something ?
  2. Machy

    Machy Space Spelunker

    As I said I think it the last post or maybe a few posts ago, I'm on exams until the 28th.
    So right now nothing, but this Summer I will be doing more.
    Please be patient. :nuruhappy:
  3. Xary

    Xary Big Damn Hero this still alive or is it well and truly dead ?
  4. Machy

    Machy Space Spelunker

    It's waiting for the 1.0 release in 5 days to be released, or well, soon after that because the update itself might break a few things.

    I've been lazy with posting updates, sorry. :rofl:
  5. Xary

    Xary Big Damn Hero

    sorry to sound pushy but it has been a fairly long while....

    Here's to hoping for great things...
  6. Xary

    Xary Big Damn Hero

    anything going on with this ?
  7. Xary

    Xary Big Damn Hero

    has this died or what ?

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