RELEASED Karmylla's Mods - Immersive Maps, Spouse Rooms, Farm Cave, Cellar

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Karmylla, Dec 8, 2016.

  1. Karmylla

    Karmylla Space Kumquat

    Please, take all the time you need! There is no rush, you're doing us all a great favour! :)
    • Acerbicon

      Acerbicon Pangalactic Porcupine

      For some reason, and I have absolutely no idea why, @sivolobwho's Marriage Mod for some reason beyond my comprehension allows your Spouse Room edits to appear when loaded. The SMAPI portion, at least, though I can't say if the SMAPI portion would run without the rest of the mods files. It's worth a shot of downloading it.

      Because without it, anyone whose original home you edited and is being loaded through ALL will make their spouse room not load. I have saves now married to Shane, Sebastian, and Penny. Shane and Sebastian's rooms wont load, but Penny's will, the former had their original homes edited while the latter was not. Honestly, at this point it's gotten a bit beyond my ability to understand D:

      So, without help from someone more knowledgeable, it looks like the only way to run the map edits through ALL and have the spouse rooms appear as they should is to also have Siv's Marriage Mod. o_O
        Karmylla likes this.
      • Minakie

        Minakie Cosmic Narwhal

        Acerbicon and Karmylla like this.
      • Karmylla

        Karmylla Space Kumquat

        Thank you so much for trying!!!
        For now, there will be no SMAPI but I will look into it in the future :)
        • Acerbicon

          Acerbicon Pangalactic Porcupine

          You're very welcome, I only wish I could have been more helpful.

          Dang, that beats my 60+. Gotta check out your list :D
            Minakie likes this.
          • Minakie

            Minakie Cosmic Narwhal

            I blame this community for making way too many awesome mods. :p
              Acerbicon likes this.
            • scaheye

              scaheye Big Damn Hero

              Hey @Acerbicon, have an Emily save! I can also give you my Shane save if you want.

              I'm having the same issues where my spouse rooms don't show up, and a separate issues where the spouse outdoor area is glitched tiles with no items. In both my saves the spouse rooms won't appear. Strangely enough, I've tried editing the manifest.json and removing the two "redirects" the spouse rooms and Maru's Basement, and the spouse room still won't show up. I haven't tried editing out the Animal Shop yet, but I can do a test and see if that works.

              I've gotten frustrated and just replaced my original spouseRooms.xnb, but I thought it was weird that not even having the file returned the error still!

              EDIT: So I DID try editing out the Animal Shop, and my spouse rooms DO show up now, albeit still with the original file replaced instead of the mod loaded from ALL. So if anyone wants an at least temporary solution, removing your Animal Shop file will fix the spouse room problem.

              I figure that I'd note that last night, after marrying Shane in one save, the spouse room showed up with no issue and it was only after a game restart this morning that my rooms weren't showing up-- I say this because there was a sub-megabyte game update last night, but I don't know why that would have changed my spouse rooms showing.

                Attached Files:

              • Acerbicon

                Acerbicon Pangalactic Porcupine

                Thanks for the save, but you can't load it without SaveGameInfo included as well. If you're interested, you can go the route of installing Siv's Marriage Mod, as (at least in my case) that clears up the disappearing spouse rooms error.
                • scaheye

                  scaheye Big Damn Hero

                  O O P S I thought I did pack everything haha. Here's the whole dang folder shoved into a zip. Sorry about that.

                  And I'm okay on the disappearing rooms now, just trying to understand what happened to my outdoor spouse areas now hahaha.

                    Attached Files:

                  • Kulturbanause

                    Kulturbanause Phantasmal Quasar

                    Hi Karmylla,

                    i really like your edits!
                    Are also redo teh FarmCave?

                    I like your style hence maybe you think about that?
                      Karmylla, Minakie and RenRenRan like this.
                    • Hey @Karmylla, I saw some texture problem in one of your maps, in the Manor House. Do you see the bug in the entrance of the house?

                      This is your edit preview but...


                      When I entered in the Manor's House, the entrance looks like that:


                      Do you know why is this happening? Thanks.
                        Karmylla likes this.
                      • Karmylla

                        Karmylla Space Kumquat

                        @Kulturbanause I'll start working on them!

                        @Python593 Welp, I just noticed it now! It was fine some time ago, hmmm... Let me see what I can do, thanks for the warning!
                        • Karmylla

                          Karmylla Space Kumquat

                          !!! ATTENTION !!!

                          The mod has been revised!
                          Thanks to @Python593 who noticed the error, Lewis' House no longer has a glitch!
                          Thank you for the report @Python593 , you get a cookie :cookie:

                          I was requested to do the Farm Cave, so stay tuned for that! :D
                            sevensevenseventeen likes this.
                          • Minakie

                            Minakie Cosmic Narwhal

                            I am already using a modded cave that I love, but I am still anxiously waiting for your version because I'm still excited to see what it will look like. :)
                              Karmylla likes this.
                            • @Karmylla you're welcome my dear! Thanks for fixing the glitch, I tested it and it doesn't appear. Just because I love your edits, I'm gonna revise some of the edits, just in case.
                              Uhm... cookies!
                                Karmylla likes this.
                              • Karmylla

                                Karmylla Space Kumquat

                                !!! ATTENTION !!!

                                The mod has been updated!
                                As per @Kulturbanause request, I went and edited the Farm Cave!
                                But, what is this?! It's not just one edit?! Not two?! Three?!! No, my friends - I went crazy and did SEVEN DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF THE FARM CAVE!!!!
                                (What is this? Why so many? Does she even have a life? Just, WHY?)
                                Ah, I know what you are thinking, and you're right! I am crazy, ahahah
                                The thing is, I was having a lot of fun with this so I just went with it and did all these different maps, because I know some people have a certain theme going on their farm, so if I can help you maintain your aesthetic, even better!
                                Besides changing the map visually I also made it bigger, just because I can :D

                                Go check them out on the front page, and tell me what you think!
                                If you would like something more specific for your cave, tell me about it on the comments and I will try making your dreams come true <3
                                @Kulturbanause I hope you like one of them! If not, tell me so in the comments so I can do something else for you!

                                EDIT: I forgot to tell you that some of the maps include an extra step but you'll just to follow the READ ME file and you'll be ok ;D
                                  Last edited: Feb 9, 2017
                                • Acerbicon

                                  Acerbicon Pangalactic Porcupine

                                  The caves are all lovely. Great job <3
                                    Karmylla and DreamerDrop like this.
                                  • DreamerDrop

                                    DreamerDrop Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                    Every time I see that you've released a new map edit, I feel like it's Christmas. All those cave designs to choose from... you're spoiling us rotten!

                                    You put so much thought and detail into tiny things like clutter and you respond so fast to bug reports! It makes the whole game feel more alive, and I'm so grateful we have modders like you in the community that work so hard and create such amazing things. ;//////;

                                    sorry i got carried away there uh but yes, i love your map edits is what i'm saying.
                                      Karmylla likes this.
                                    • Kulturbanause

                                      Kulturbanause Phantasmal Quasar

                                      Hi Karmylla,

                                      first thank you very much!! Really adorable and fitting! And wow were you fast. :eek:
                                      Dat Watercave! :lickitung:

                                      Is it possible to create extended version(s) with more Space that fits to the Farmlayout?
                                      Only if you are interested of course!

                                      What i am refering to is that there are some Cave edits available but these are kind of unrealistic / not fitting / cheaty to the farms geographical environment. Like 2-5 more floors, huge halls etc.
                                      Your approaches are almost perfect regarding atmosphere etc. So thats why i thought you would be liking to do that :).

                                      To sum up my request.
                                      More room to place stuff. Possibility to place seeds and harvest? (Water Cave would be fitting 10000%)
                                      I know it can be troublesome because of the possibility that the Mushroom, Bat functinality is broken then. Or to create more space via other solutions. Like a passage to not interfere with Mushroom Bat stuff.

                                      It can be a challenge..
                                      Maybe i am just unrealistic and the effort regarding that is too big.

                                        Last edited: Feb 10, 2017
                                        Karmylla likes this.
                                      • Karmylla

                                        Karmylla Space Kumquat

                                        Thank you, I'm glad you like them! :D

                                        Thank you for your words, you are very sweet! I'm happy you feel so strongly for my edits! And you are right, we do have a fenomenal community of modders :D

                                        I will see what I can do! I did make the layout of the farm cave a little bigger than the original one, but I will try giving it more space. I only work with the xnb files and what you request is going to demand a SMAPI, so I will probably take a little longer, please be patient!

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