RELEASED Karmylla's Spouse Rooms Edits - 4 VERSIONS

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Karmylla, Nov 6, 2016.


Which edit do you prefer? With floor lights or without?

  1. With floor lights.

  2. Without floor lights.

  3. Calm wallpapers with floor lights.

  4. Calm wallpapers without floor lights.

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Karmylla

    Karmylla Space Kumquat


    I am posting these edits ON THIS FORUM ONLY, if you find them anywhere else, please tell me
    This Mod has been added to!




    Hello Everyone!

    To know more about this mod - and all my other mods - please head up to the main threat:

    Hello everyone! :whoop:

    I got around to editing the Spouse Rooms and I thought that maybe others would be interested in my edits, so I decided to share it with you guys!
    To add this file to your game, first unzip it, and then go to:
    Stardew Valley -> Content -> Maps. Place the .xnb file into this folder.
    The maps were NOT tested! If you encounter any error, please tell me and I will take care of it!!!

    I've made two versions, one that includes window lights on the floors of all rooms (except Elliot's), and another that does not (with some other small changes).

    UPDATE: Duo to @Alvadea's request, I've added another version of this mode! The rooms now have different wallpapers, check them out and see if you like them!



    Download: MediaFire

    Download: MediaFire


    Download: MediaFire

    Download: MediaFire

    I hope you like my edits!!!
    And if you have any requests, I will gladly take them into account!

    If you really like my edits, check out my other Map Edits mod!

      Last edited: Mar 10, 2019
      NK64, Nevis, fazendeira2 and 18 others like this.
    • Harzelora

      Harzelora Phantasmal Quasar

      These look so cosy ! Great job ! :poke:
      And so many details ! hmmmf ! :rainbowbarf:

      Unfortunately, I'm using Siv's mod so it's not compatible since Siv's mod involves this file. Also, I've made my own edit of Alex's room.

        Attached Files:

        Keychain and Karmylla like this.
      • Karmylla

        Karmylla Space Kumquat

        Thank you!! And your edit of Alex's room looks just as cosy, I love the trophy, and how you edited the table to be vertical instead of horizontal!!!

        It's sad that Siv's mod makes it impossible for others to use these edits, do you know of a way I can make it compatible?
        • Harzelora

          Harzelora Phantasmal Quasar

          Heheh thx ! The Trophy and the red table are actually furniture I added myself. It would be empty otherwise. Same with the flowers. (My headcannon is that it's flowers Evelyn sent)

          Sadly, I don't know. I'm still new to the tIDE software. It would be awesome if we could just copy and paste.
          • bugmenever

            bugmenever Phantasmal Quasar

            You can, iirc! Use the pointer and selection a portion of tiles, ctrl-x and ctrl-v into the new map of your choice. It only works one layer at a time, though.
            • zyrick2690

              zyrick2690 Void-Bound Voyager

              can I have this for download?? :)
              • Harzelora

                Harzelora Phantasmal Quasar

                Sure ! But just so you know. I edited my walls_and_floors.xnb file so that my floor would match Alex's.

                  Attached Files:

                  zyrick2690 likes this.
                • Harzelora

                  Harzelora Phantasmal Quasar

                  Are you sure ? I did as you said but it wouldn't let me copy then paste stuff from one map to the other. :oops:
                  Also, ctrl-x seems to delete the tiles from the original map. It seems it's more of a "cut" action. Does ctrl-c work instead ?
                  • zyrick2690

                    zyrick2690 Void-Bound Voyager

                    thank you <3
                    • Harzelora

                      Harzelora Phantasmal Quasar

                      You're welcome ! :poke:
                      • Ookami96k

                        Ookami96k Guest

                        Love your work!
                          Harzelora and Karmylla like this.
                        • Harzelora

                          Harzelora Phantasmal Quasar

                          It'd be awesome if we could have the windows that are part of the furniture cast floor lights too !
                          It's so pretty
                            Karmylla likes this.
                          • Karmylla

                            Karmylla Space Kumquat

                            I know, right? That's why I made these two versions, so that for those who like to have everything matching in the house (like me), they would have the no windows light floors, but for all the others that just like it pretty, they could have the floor looking a little brighter!
                              Harzelora likes this.
                            • Karmylla

                              Karmylla Space Kumquat


                              The Spouse Rooms WITH window lights HAS BEEN UPDATED!!!
                              There were some minor details and errors that I noticed and took care of.
                                Last edited: Nov 21, 2016
                                Harzelora likes this.
                              • kimberly6979

                                kimberly6979 Phantasmal Quasar

                                Can you put a synthesizer and keyboard in Sebby'sroom?Please:3
                                  Karmylla likes this.
                                • Karmylla

                                  Karmylla Space Kumquat

                                  Of course! Do you want the version without the windows lights or with the window lights?

                                  EDIT: You know what? I'll just edit both, and give the rooms a little update :)
                                    Last edited: Dec 16, 2016
                                    kimberly6979 likes this.
                                  • kimberly6979

                                    kimberly6979 Phantasmal Quasar

                                    with the window lights,thank you very much <3<3<3<3
                                    • Karmylla

                                      Karmylla Space Kumquat

                                      !!! ATTENTION !!!

                                      The Spouse Rooms mod has been revised!

                                      I've changed Sebby's room so now he has his keyboard! And a tinier bookshelf to compensate for the loss of the big one!
                                      And I have also added some animation! Wow-OHHHH!
                                      The keyboard and the drums now make noise (like in Sam's house!) and Abigail's pet hamster moves!!!! It's aliveeeeeeeeeeee! Also the clock I added to Harvey's room now works!!!!
                                      As always, if you got any requests, (or errors to report) don't be shy!
                                      Thank you for following my work!

                                      @kimberly6979 I hope you like how I've edited Sebastian's room! If not, please say so, so we can work something out to your liking! :)
                                      • Harzelora

                                        Harzelora Phantasmal Quasar

                                        O M G ! This is so immersive ! I can't even...! :rainbowbarf:
                                        I wish I could use it alongside Siv's mod. It'd be great if the rooms he adds with his mod were on another .xnb intead of the regular spouseRooms.xnb
                                          Karmylla likes this.
                                        • kimberly6979

                                          kimberly6979 Phantasmal Quasar

                                          Oh:DD:DD:DDThank you!!The little bookshelf is lovely:love:
                                          Can you put synthesizer in Sebby's roomX3?

                                            Attached Files:

                                            Karmylla likes this.

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