RELEASED Karmylla's Spouse Rooms Edits - 4 VERSIONS

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Karmylla, Nov 6, 2016.


Which edit do you prefer? With floor lights or without?

  1. With floor lights.

  2. Without floor lights.

  3. Calm wallpapers with floor lights.

  4. Calm wallpapers without floor lights.

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Karmylla

    Karmylla Space Kumquat

    That I cannot do, I'm sorry! It requires a tileset from Sam's live show, and I cannot mix them because of the hardcode, sorry :(
      kimberly6979 likes this.
    • Karmylla

      Karmylla Space Kumquat

      Maybe I should talk with Siv and ask if I can edit the rooms?
        Harzelora likes this.
      • kimberly6979

        kimberly6979 Phantasmal Quasar

        It's ok:love:
        I love this mod<3<3<3<3<3
        Thank you verry much~~~~~~~~
        • Harzelora

          Harzelora Phantasmal Quasar

          I don't want to give you too much work though.
          It'd be great if we could keep his mod's file but have your .xnb override the vanilla bachelors/bachelorettes' rooms somehow.
          Kinda like the "Get Dressed" mod. It overrides stuff. Idk how this all works though...
          Anyway, let's forget it for now. I can't word properly :lickitung:

          Edit : We could ask Entoarox how this all work and if it's possible.
            Karmylla likes this.
          • Alvadea

            Alvadea Pangalactic Porcupine

            I really like your room-overhauls, I use them all. :D Until recently I used Abras New Spouse Rooms ->
            I think I like yours more, but she did one thing very well - she used in some places calmer walls. Especially in Abigails und Shanes Room, perhaps also Penny and Harvey, I think a little more simple wall could look well. I'm also not a big fan of Haleys Palm-Wallpaper, but... well, it fits her character I guess.
            Perhaps you like to create a version with less noisy wallpapers? :)
              Karmylla likes this.
            • Karmylla

              Karmylla Space Kumquat

              @Harzelora I'll look into it after I'm done with my other mod :p Be prepared!!!!

              @Alvadea Thank you so much! And of course, I can make another file with "calmer" wallpapers.
              Would you prefer the wallpapers Abras has on their mod?
                Alvadea and Harzelora like this.
              • Alvadea

                Alvadea Pangalactic Porcupine

                Cool, much appreciated. :D
                Yes, at least I would prefer it in the four rooms I mentioned before: Abigail, Shane, Penny and Harvey. And perhaps Sam and Emily, but there I'll let you the final decision, because I'm not sure, if it really looks the same way in your rooms. If the colours don't match, I'm also okay with the wallpapers you've already have there. Haley is the only one, where I didn't really like both versions, perhaps you find a simple wallpaper, that looks girly without to much pattern on it?
                In all the other rooms I like the walls as there are.
                And as I mentioned that it would be the only room in my house having window lights at the floor I prefer your version without lights. :)
                • Karmylla

                  Karmylla Space Kumquat

                  @Alvadea what do you think of these?
                    kimberly6979 and Alvadea like this.
                  • Alvadea

                    Alvadea Pangalactic Porcupine

                    Beautiful!! <3 I love this version!
                    • Karmylla

                      Karmylla Space Kumquat

                      !!! ATTENTION !!!

                      The mod has been updated!
                      We now have another version of this mod but with CALMER WALLPAPERS! In case you are not much into patterns, check this one out! This was @Alvadea 's request!
                      Again, thank you so much for your interest! And in case you have any request, feel free to ask them!
                        Alvadea likes this.
                      • Karmylla

                        Karmylla Space Kumquat

                        Sorry guys, I had to re-upload the CALMER WALLPAPER WITHOUT WINDOW LIGHTS version, because I completely forgot to add the carpets on some of the rooms. Enjoy!
                        • ScalesofGrey

                          ScalesofGrey Astral Cartographer

                          Just letting you know, the bookshelf in Elliot's room is layered incorrectly. :DD

                          I'm using the No Window Lights version.

                            Attached Files:

                          • Karmylla

                            Karmylla Space Kumquat

                            @ScalesofGrey welp, I did say the maps were not tested xD but such a newbie error, argh! I'll have to check every version to make sure!
                            Thank you for reporting the error, i'll take care of it as soon as I can!
                              ScalesofGrey likes this.
                            • Karmylla

                              Karmylla Space Kumquat

                              !!! ATTENTION !!!

                              The mod has been revised!
                              @ScalesofGrey found an error in Elliot's room, which I had to edit ON ALL OF THE VERSIONS OF THIS MOD! Thank you so much for reporting this issue!
                              I also took care of some minor details (missing carpets and window lights).
                              Sorry for bothering you all with constant editing and revisions!
                                Last edited: Dec 22, 2016
                                ScalesofGrey likes this.
                              • ScalesofGrey

                                ScalesofGrey Astral Cartographer

                                Karmylla likes this.
                              • endermaryn

                                endermaryn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                Wow! Those rooms look amazing! I have not tried them in my game but the screens looks great. And if the clock in Harvey's room really moves then awesome! I set the animations for the lights and that clock in my mod but I could never get them to actually work in game. Just like I could never get Elliott's rose to show up in game.

                                I love the detail on all of these. They look so immersive. Well done!!!
                                  Last edited: Jan 10, 2017
                                • Jokerine

                                  Jokerine Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                  I absolutely LOVE these! And the window lights are sooo pretty! Thank you!! <3
                                  • endermaryn

                                    endermaryn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                    So I downloaded your file to see what you did differently to get your animations to work when mine wouldn't. Looks like we both did the same thing. Bad news: Yours don't animate in game either. Sorry :cry: At least, Harvey's clock doesn't tick. I cannot look at Abigail's hamster but I'm assuming it doesn't move.

                                    Thing is, I did the animations correctly. I even animated the lamps on the walls to turn off and on. But while I am able to get the water to move on the farm map and actually move ingame, the spouse rooms don't seem to have the same animation support. I'm assuming there is something unique about the homes in town to get animations to work it them too.

                                    But good news too: Your map works just fine otherwise! That's something, right? :DD
                                    • Karmylla

                                      Karmylla Space Kumquat

                                      Oh no, really??? No one was complaining, so I just thought the animations were ok, damn!
                                      It might be hardcoded, so we won't be able to do much about it, but I will see if I can change something, thanks for the heads up! If I learn how to bypass the map restrictions, I'll inform you!
                                      • endermaryn

                                        endermaryn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                        Please do! I would love to know the secret should you discover it :up:

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