I really don't care to be honest, it is also nice for this pack to be very unique as possible if it doesn't get as much attention like the MM pack
Kemicol updated Kemi Song Pak with a new update entry: Leaving You with a Squid Melody Read the rest of this update entry...
I'm lmao a the moment. The pic for the mod reminds me of a mlp song a friend showed me on youtube. The song is a mix of both appropriate and inappropriate. But in all wells good mod love more diverse in music.
Kemicol updated Kemi Song Pak with a new update entry: My Boo Update Read the rest of this update entry...
Kemicol updated Kemi Song Pak with a new update entry: Beneath the Black beatles Read the rest of this update entry...
Kemicol updated Kemi Song Pak with a new update entry: Beneath the Mask "Hotfix" Read the rest of this update entry...