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Bug/Issue Killing Horseriding Glitch w/ shotgun caused crash

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by IchBinSneaky, Jul 18, 2016.

  1. IchBinSneaky

    IchBinSneaky Poptop Tamer

    Exception caught in client main-loop (AssetException) Error loading asset /sfx/melee/shotgun_kill_robotic2.ogg

    This is in the unstable build by the way
  2. Another Kevin

    Another Kevin Phantasmal Quasar

    Just for clarification.. Does it work with other glitches as well?
  3. IchBinSneaky

    IchBinSneaky Poptop Tamer

    I haven't had it happen any other time then with that one.

    Also I think I may have killed him while he was still on the horse.
    With a bit of brainstorming i would guess that I killed the horse and the glitch rider at the same time (multiple bullets from the shotgun), which may have caused the game to try and access two death-sound assets at the same time, with the first read-operation blocking the second one with a semaphore, which caused the second one to freak out and throw the exception.

    But that's just a guess of course.
  4. Another Kevin

    Another Kevin Phantasmal Quasar

    My first guess also involved that you killed the glitch and the horse while the glitch was dismounting.
  5. IchBinSneaky

    IchBinSneaky Poptop Tamer

    Ok, scratch that. It just happened again and this time NOT to a horse riding glitch. This time it was one of those flying robot guards in the Avian Temple mission (to get the artifact).
    Exact same error msg except this time it couldn't load "/sfx/melee/shotgun_kill_robotic1.ogg" which doesn't make much cense since both me and the robot where using ranged weapons (it firing those red energy balls and me with my trusty shotgun).

    ...though as I write this, I believe (but can't be certain) that both times I had moved right into the enemy. Bad survival tactic there, but it happens from time to time. Could be worth a look.
  6. Another Kevin

    Another Kevin Phantasmal Quasar

    Hmmm.. Maybe a necessary file is corrupted/broken/whatever that the game tries to use whenever a robot's killed with the shotgun?

    Pretty weird bug imo, i hope it's tied to your client, would be messed up if this happened to everyone.

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