Kilo's Entry: The Derunine

Discussion in 'The Monster Monster Contest' started by Kilo, Mar 7, 2012.

  1. Kilo

    Kilo Pangalactic Porcupine

    Creature Name: Derunine. Fast, energetic, and not much of an attacker. Derunine are known for being extremely skittish and will run away when looked at directly, as this startles them. When Startled they tend to give off a very recognizable "Wark" sound as they attempt to flee. If one can manage to sneak up behind you it will attempt to steal any various food consumables you may have on you and eat them. If a player has no food items the creature may get curious and attempt to fidget with items like buckets, bags, and helmets, potentially getting it's head stuck in them in it's everlasting mission to find more food. When this occurs a Derunine will go into a panic, running around blindly with the item stuck on it's head until either caught, or killed, allowing you to recollect your stolen item. Trained Derunine are very skilled at finding items and caves, as their adapted senses to finding any and all food can be trained towards just about anything. They make good, energetic pets and great item finders. Common Derunine are a very bright green with solid black eyes, with a white underbelly, and a white tip to their snout, as well as vibrant green stripes down the backs of their legs. Their variants have also been reported to be very lizard like, with scales and yellow eyes as well as different colorations. They're also very easily defeated, not having very much health.

    Attached Files:

  2. Blue Hair

    Blue Hair Phantasmal Quasar

    I feel like I'd end up shooting these things on sight. No questions asked, because my food is my food and the only one who gets to eat it is me.
  3. Kilo

    Kilo Pangalactic Porcupine

    Lawl, And if you don't have any food they'll take your helmets and bags and whatnot and then you have to chase them to get your stuff back. HAVE FUN WITH THAT. *killed* Although honestly I wanted to make something that was balanced in terms of Wild and Tamed. It had to be a nuisance in game, but it also had to be mildly useful when you tamed it too. Kinda suck if I was just pitching a random generic beast that wanted to destroy everything and that was it :<
  4. Giant Door

    Giant Door Space Penguin Leader

    I have a similar concept for my monster... I mean there's nothing scarier in a game like this than losing your precious loot! I definitely see where you are coming from with this, and having the creatures wear your items to mock you is really cool. Nice one
  5. JoNnY__7

    JoNnY__7 Master Chief

    Hahaha this monster is very cute :)
    I Liked this monster, it would be very annoying in the game (and very useful if he is your friend)!
    I Hope the devs like it too! :D
  6. Kilo

    Kilo Pangalactic Porcupine

    Why thanks! I wanted something that when you came across it it would be something you'd remember. You'd see it, and have to go through "NOT THAT THING AGAIN IT STOLE MY STUFF" and at the same time be afraid to combat it because of the amusing "D'awwww!" Factor.

    It's not so much that it's attempting to mock you as much as it is "Hey, is there food in here? *sticks head in* . . . *gets stuck* .. *flails* :rofl: I see so many "I'm a giant evil monster Rwar!" stuff that I thought it would be nice to propose something On the uplifting, yet still definately something you want to avoid side... Unless of course, you want to catch one. But yes It would definately be annoying :rofl:
  7. downstroypvp

    downstroypvp Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This one is really cute. But his bad habit of stealing food from me definitively turns him into pure evilness. I'll kill him without a second thought.

    Nice job.
  8. Kilo

    Kilo Pangalactic Porcupine

    Awwww, but he's just hungry D: *Shot* :rofl: Well since they said we'd be able to tame creatures you could always just tame him and then have him find all sorts of goodies for you. 8 D :rofl: and thanks very much! I'm actually sketching up more of it right now that I'll be posting within the next 20 or 30 minutes!

    Aaaaaaaand here we go! More sketches and general concepts of the Derunine!

    Attached Files:

  9. Kilo

    Kilo Pangalactic Porcupine

    Hey everyone! Just bringing some last minute goodies to the Starbound contest party! Have a last minute image featuring some Derunine variants to post up in a bit too! For now, enjoy the background data paragraph!

    The Derunine are, despite their rather canine appearance, are actually considered to be a form of intergalactic vermin, much like mice and rats. Their abilities however, make them very useful pets when captured and trained. Contrary to popular belief, they are not just simple space dogs, actually sharing DNA with many lizard-like creatures. This is evident in the fact that they don't actually have fur, and that their noses aren't actually a nose, like most canine mammals, but actually two very lizard-like slits. Some variants have even been reported to actually look like full blown lizards, and their large rear legs make them very fast runners, as well as fairly decent jumpers.
    Most intelligent life consider the Derunine to be a severe curse on their lands, as a pack of hungry Derunine will devour most food sources that they can access in minutes. As such, many places with sentient life have "Attack on Sight" orders against wild Derunine, as, in packs, they can strip down the food supply of a village, leaving it's inhabitants to starve. When trained, a Derunine's very keen sense of smell and sight, coupled with it's very keen thought process, can be turned towards things like finding caves behind walls that the normal eye cannot see, or finding chests long before their masters can make visual contact with these rarities.
    It should be noted that despite all of the chaos that Derunine have caused, they are not hostile. They will not attack, and are extremely skittish in the wild. An untrained Derunine will run if looked at directly, and the very prominent "Wark!" sound that they make when spotted is one of the easiest ways to know if you've startled one. A well trained Derunine doesn't suffer from this shortcoming, loyally staying with their master even in combat, although this is what makes them so difficult to train.
    Encounters with wild Derunine are commonly reported as thefts, as a Derunine is almost constantly looking for food. Many report them coming up from behind, snatching their packs and devouring any food they can get before caught, at which point they will flee. Others report that they weren't carrying any food on them, and that the Derunine would attempt to rummage through items like buckets, helmets, and satchels for food that the carrier did not have. In many of these reports the Derunine were reported to get their heads stuck in small objects like buckets, satchels, and helmets, flailing about in a panic as they attempt to remove the object from their head, running around in a frenzy during this process. Many kill the Derunine during this, in order to get their equipment back, but this can also be used as a very good opportunity to catch a wild Derunine, as the creature is blind during these moments.


    !!! FFF The Green one is Normal, the Top middle is Arctic, the Top Right is a Lizard variant, the bottom left is a fire environment, the bottom middle is a water variant, and the bottom right is a Desert Variant. PHEW, That would have been a disaster if I forgot to label them.

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