What it do: This changes the scarecrow and all 8 of the rarecrows in the game to be cats on different pedestals/cat climbing tower thingies. Its pretty darn cute. Who wouldn't want ferocious guard kitties to keep the crows at bay? Here's what changes: **The screenshot sort of makes it look like there's strange white pixels under the pedestal for some cats, but its just a compression problem with my image, those spaces are transparent in game. Download: Download Here on the Nexus (just click the file name or "download manually") Installation Instructions: Download the mod Extract the archive Go to Stardew Valley/Content/TileSheets Replace the Craftables.xnb file with the one from the download **You can easily create a backup of your original Craftables.xnb file by renaming it to something silly. I do Craftables.xnbOLD for myself. Credits: Lots of thanks to @Korokos for their permission to re-use their work on many different cat breeds in their Longhair Cats mod which inspired me to make this (even if I didn't use the sprites, I was still heavily influenced). Likewise to @DibJib for giving me permission to use the Nyan cat sprite from their Nyan Pet Cat mod. Its lovely and basically reproduced here as-is. Also to @Crazy_Leen for their Studio Ghibli Re-Textures mod, where I got the idea to replace my own scarecrows to be something cuter than what came with the game. Lastly to @WildSpirits for the calico breed available on their Pet Replacements mod, which inspired me to create my own version of the breed. Changelog: 3/26/16 Version 1.0 Added replacement for the 8th rarecrow (based on the bengal breed), reworked pedestals, new tails for each kitty, misc. tweaks & edits to individual sprites Old Version: What it do: This changes all 8 of the scarecrows in the game to be cats on different pedestals/cat climbing tower thingies. Its pretty darn cute. Who wouldn't want ferocious guard kitties to keep the crows at bay? Here's what changes: **The screenshot sort of makes it look like there's two strange white pixels under the pedestal for some cats, but its just a compression problem with my image, those spaces are transparent in game. Download: Download Here on the Nexus (just click the file name or "download manually") Installation Instructions: Download the mod Extract the archive Go to Stardew Valley/Content/TileSheets Replace the Craftables.xnb file with the one from the download **You can easily create a backup of your original Craftables.xnb file by renaming it to something silly. I do Craftables.xnbOLD for myself. Credits: Lots of thanks to @Korokos for their permission to re-use their work on many different cat breeds in their Longhair Cats mod which inspired me to make this (even if I didn't use the sprites, I was still heavily influenced). Likewise to @DibJib for giving me permission to use the Nyan cat sprite from their Nyan Pet Cat mod. Its lovely and basically reproduced here as-is. Also to @Crazy_Leen for their Studio Ghibli Re-Textures mod, where I got the idea to replace my own scarecrows to be something cuter. The sprite used for Jiji (tail and pedestal) was rehashed and recolored in this mod. Lastly to @WildSpirits for the calico breed available on their Pet Replacements mod, which inspired me to create my own version of the breed.
Yay!!! I can be even more of a crazy cat lady!!!! I kinda to make some pixel art that can switch the bunnies with ragdoll cats... They have such soft fur... and have soft feet. Then I can have a herd of cats...
Lol this is awesome! Great work I wonder if it's possible to change the text of the scarecrows to make it cat based. Like: *meow* 12 Black Birds deterred *meow* or something like that
That'd be icing on the cake! I'll check a few files and see if its something I can track down. It may end up being one of those "Gotta use Storm or SMAPI" things, which is beyond me at the moment.
I appreciate that I inspired you and that you at elast credited me. Now, it's "just" the pedestal and the tail but... just maybe for the future, keep in mind, not everybody is keen of having things of them re-used even if it's jsut parts. At least not without asking. I'm fine with it for now, as it's just minor thigns being used,b ut just maybe keep it in mind, okay <;3 ? (Hope I'm not sounding like a douche here but I had art of mine be used without asking before already and I jsut wanna prevent that from happening again here.) Else... I like what you did with the cats, they are cute uwu
I am incredibly embarrassed. I thought I was in the right by crediting you and with all the changes I made. I saw that your pedestal was the same as the in-game scarecrow one, so I based many of my other pedestals off of the in-game ones as well. Here's a screenshot with comparisons: Your Jiji cat and pedestal are in the upper left, the other sprites are the ones I made and the in game-ones that I re-used to make the pedestals. You can see that I made changes to the tail bits, I know its only 10 pixels or so but I worked really hard on making the tails look nice with each breed of cat and felt it was "inspired" and not necessarily reproduced ver batim like with the Nyan Cat (which *is* reproduced ver batim and I did get permission to do so ahead of time). Is it rude to ask for permission now that I know I was out of bounds? I can take the mod down while I make changes to include a different light-brown-pedestal that looks less similar to yours and also change the tail to be on the other side or maybe have it sort of aiming upwards like the walking animation cat tail. Please let me know what you think and I hope you accept my heartfelt apologies. =( I've sent you a private message on here to apologize and explain all of the above, but I don't know how visible private messages are so I've messaged you on this post as well.
I'm sorry I was out of the house until now and saw and replied to your message. Once again: I didn't mean to make you feel bad! I jsut wanted you to keep in mind that, if you wanna re-use things from other people, or the like, that you should keep in mind to ask about it. As I said, I'm happy you even credited at all! And sicne it's really jsut a minor thing you used, it's fine but I jsut wanted you to keep it in mind qwq *gives you a cookie of apology*
Thank you for replying! I'm glad you're not mad at me. I've edited my original post to put in Bold Type that I have permission from 2 artists to re-use their work (even though for one of them I ended up not re-using their work and was only inspired by) so that people know I'm not some thiefer-face.
Oh gosh, am I missing one? I haven't unlocked all the scarecrows in my game yet, but I thought I got them all off of what looked to be scarecrows in the image file. What does the one I'm missing look like?
Aha! So there is one "scarecrow" (the one you can make yourself) and then 8 "rarecrows" making for 9 total. I see, I see. I'll work on a replacer for it shortly. Thank you for telling me!
Here's a WIP image: I was inspired by the tiki style of the rarecrow, so I went for an exotic cat. It's sort of a bengal breed kitty ^_^
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand I've added the new Exotic Cat to replace the last rarecrow. I also made a ton of other random little changes, including new pedestals, new tails for each cat with their own varied orientation and position, and misc. edits to my sprites to make them more cohesive. Here's an image outlining the changes and addressing the issue with Crazy_Leen's Jiji + Pedestal sprite mix-up:
Weirdly off topic random question: What font are you using for the descriptions in the image? It's very appealing