Modding Discussion Kobold Race

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by CaptainKobold, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. Bucketlamp

    Bucketlamp Giant Laser Beams

    well.. uh.. my kobolds always grew crap to turn into booze.. and despite being carnivores nothing stopped them from making berry nuggets. Not sure if my version of KC was a bit messed up because my 'bolds would eat anything, including turning the local varmint into extravagant feasts (lol feast).

    Edit: turns out I took my Professional CD's with me (Photoshop and that nonsense) expect to see a bunch of sprites/drawings
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2013
  2. Bucketlamp

    Bucketlamp Giant Laser Beams

    gave the poor guy a pair of ragged pants (they currently are covering the hand) also four different kind of ears! horray! Currently just experimenting with how the ears look. Thinking of making a quick thing in flash that sorts through marks and ears.

    Attached Files:

    CaptainKobold and Eathed like this.
  3. CaptainKobold

    CaptainKobold Pangalactic Porcupine

    First off, sorry about the weird writing thing. My phone apparently was not willing to work with the forum setup for whatever reason. Luckily, I'm now on a computer. My initial plan of getting the sprite sheets (based on Bucketlamp's awesome images) done by today is looking to be a bit overambitious. Turns out that several statistical analyses I ran on my thesis were entirely unuseful and I need to get back to the drawing board on that. So I'm hoping either late tonight or tomorrow at some point I'll get that sheet up!

    @Tathar, That is absolutely true! I suppose we could figure out something like that. I also believe I saw some sort of mention of bone plants somewhere... I'll have to decide whether I think it's overpowered to give them access to bones by growing them from the beginning. Any thoughts?

    @Bucketlamp, There have been SO many different versions of Kobold Camp that I'm not at all surprised that there's some variation. I've definitely played with several different versions including cooking up rats and the like! I'm also kind of beginning to like the idea of kobolds out picking berries...

    Those pictures are awesome! Totally making me look bad by rocking out amazing sprite art while I've yet to actually bring any content to the table. I'll get those converted into sheet-form and /hopefully/ have an uploaded version tomorrow so that you could play with looking at them in Starbound itself.
  4. CaptainKobold

    CaptainKobold Pangalactic Porcupine

    I've gone ahead and set up a Google docs folder with a couple of the files that I briefly goofed around with. I've not had a chance to test them out as I'm on a working computer (and doing oh so much work as you can tell!) but I believe that if they were inputted in the file, those ears would show up. Hopefully I'll be able to test this either late tonight or tomorrow!

    Kobold Files
  5. Bucketlamp

    Bucketlamp Giant Laser Beams

    as we speak, I'm writing up a flash applet that will essentially function like the character creator, but just as a simple preview for all possible Bold's I may want to have you replace the art you posted earlier with it, but not sure how I would go with updating it (since flash will show the old versions rather than update). I may just use one of my own front page posts.
    CaptainKobold likes this.
  6. CaptainKobold

    CaptainKobold Pangalactic Porcupine

    That sounds fantastic! I'd be happy to link to the post from the first one, link to it posted online somewhere, or whatever you think makes sense! Given you've been rocking through these spriting things (and I don't want to step on your heels and/or reinvent a wheel you've already perfected) I'm currently working on getting some of the core files necessary for this to be mod ready. If I'm not mistaken, converting the various things you've done into the in-game files shouldn't be too difficult and I'd be happy to take care of that whenever sounds good to you! Just don't want to mess up your creative process!
  7. Bucketlamp

    Bucketlamp Giant Laser Beams

    well, I was just tossing out ideas, If you want me to be the spriter, I'll be your spriter so as long real life doesn't boggle me down! Problem being you linking the flash though: if I uploaded it to a server and you directly linked it, anyone that sees the flash will have it saved in their temp file. Meaning any new version under the same name will still be the old version since that's what the browser will call. The only way around this is if I made it use an outside library (probably a gif). The bonus for doing this is I could then easily let other mod teams use it as a character preview for their races, but that's here or there. Right now I'll probably make it fairly simple. I'll likely have to have you update it manually "Boldpreview 0.0.1.swf" and so on.
  8. CaptainKobold

    CaptainKobold Pangalactic Porcupine

    Oh no, no need to worry that you're suddenly being recruited and shackled into a job! I'm just thrilled with how great your ideas have been and if you are interested I don't want to at all discourage you!
    Hmm... I can see how that would be a problem with the flash bit. That's very cool that you'd be able to make it be a previewer! Bucketlamp, awesomely contributing to the community!
  9. Bucketlamp

    Bucketlamp Giant Laser Beams

    Nah, it would be fun to do spiting again, I'd volunteer myself. My only problem is with flash it would be hard to publish PNG files from it. Might have to learn HTML 5 or relearn java.
  10. CaptainKobold

    CaptainKobold Pangalactic Porcupine

    As far as I'm concerned, whatever you feel like doing is great! I can always just grab screenshots from the flash and cut it up to turn it into the mode Starbound needs. That's not really a problem!

    I'm starting to play with the config files and have thrown together a (very short) list of names so that there's something generating there which isn't all humany. Here is the current list based on about 4 kobolds generated using kobold camp.

    First Names: Banante, Chinta, Chungotlus, Jreengus, Obaba
    Last Names: Chobanojeba, Inibeananti, Oninihobi

    Needless to say, this will be expanded and/or changed. I'm playing with the idea of trying to get 2 part last names working on it.. I kind of like the idea of Jreengus Fluffy-Spear or something as the overall design.

    Further work on core species files:

    -Set up some infrastructure that will (hopefully) make the right pieces appear. Going to come back to this when I have a little more time later tonight.
    -Working on little kobold icons for species select.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2013
    Bucketlamp likes this.
  11. CaptainKobold

    CaptainKobold Pangalactic Porcupine

    P.S. I think I should be able to get to the point that one could look like a kobold in game by tonight or tomorrow afternoon/evening. This system is a surprisingly easy one thus far. I'll let you know as soon as it is theoretically playable! Any further things you sprite up would be very easy to put in, so no pressure of any kind! I definitely want this to be a low pressure, doing this for fun kind of project for anyone who gets involved.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2013
  12. Bucketlamp

    Bucketlamp Giant Laser Beams

    Ah, I can always just give you the pieces, the're all seperated in pretty standard pieces now. I'm working on UI right now.

    Unfortunately couldn't access the server to upload so I won't know if [flash][/flash] works here:
  13. CaptainKobold

    CaptainKobold Pangalactic Porcupine

    That would make putting it into sheet mode easy if its not difficult for you!

    That is pretty fantastic, gives a good idea of the kobold design.

    I'm probably going to try to get an approximate thing set up so that theoretically it can be done late tonight (1-2 o'clockish?)
  14. Bucketlamp

    Bucketlamp Giant Laser Beams

    I've already seperated all the components into PNG format, so if you would like I can send them to you via whatever. I'm currently visiting China, so the connection to dropbox is terrible, but if you have skype, I could drop them off there. I've got 3 more ears I'm working on but they keep looking too similar to the last.
  15. CaptainKobold

    CaptainKobold Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm totally good for whatever method of transfer works best for you! If Skype is best, I can get on there, or google drive, email, or whatever! I'm on now if you still happen to be around and I can see if I can get a kobold actively existing in Starbound!
    Bucketlamp likes this.
  16. Bucketlamp

    Bucketlamp Giant Laser Beams



    Attached Files:

    Holgast and CaptainKobold like this.
  17. CaptainKobold

    CaptainKobold Pangalactic Porcupine

    This is amazing. This is the most important thing. I'll get to modding it RIGHT AWAY.
  18. Bucketlamp

    Bucketlamp Giant Laser Beams

    Simple sketch, still need to do final lines. He's shrugging he has no idea what the hell space is.
    I don't even.png
  19. CaptainKobold

    CaptainKobold Pangalactic Porcupine

    Space makes no sense. It's big and confusing.

    If I'm not mistaken, I've now created the panties as an item. I've just got to figure out where exactly I need to put the recipe, unless we want it to just be found in which case I need to figure out how to do that.
  20. Bucketlamp

    Bucketlamp Giant Laser Beams

    The Spacebold, plague upon the known galaxy.

    Cute as they may be, these creatures have put the cosmos in certain peril. These creatures have an uncanny ability to sneak past sensors even near fool proof optical detection such as thermal imaging. It's unsure if this keen knack for subterfuge is evolutionary or they're simply so seemingly hapless that they slip under the radar.

    Entire cities have been demolished by these creatures, like the failure of the hyper fusion reactors last month in Old-Terran-Barran, when the bold had accidentally destroyed the couplers mistaking them for "shinnies". If you pay attention to SPACE NEWS, you would have known the entire planet was sucked into the following event horizon. Billions of space citizens were displaced. The kolbold however, remained unharmed.

    Despite their amazingly destructive tenancies, the Spacebolds seem to foster no ill intent. The damage they cause seem to be simply trying to find gifts to exchange for some kind of sexual gratification they call "Nose nuzzles" or "muzzle rubs" with the opposite gender, other times they're simply trying to help.

    So space adventurer, if you find a planet occupied by Kobolds, leave you ship in orbit, do not hire them for your crew- cute as they may be. It's not a large leap from adorable kobolds to highly destructive spacebolds.
    CaptainKobold likes this.

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