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Bug/Issue Launch Issue

Discussion in 'Support' started by BismuthLD, Mar 21, 2016.

  1. BismuthLD

    BismuthLD Intergalactic Tourist

    Whenever i try to launch the game i get a message saying
    |No suitable graphics card found.
    Could not find a Direct3D device that supports the XNA Framework HiDef profile.
    Verify that a suitable graphics device is installed.
    |Make sure the desktop is not locked, and that no other application is running in
    |full screen mode.
    Avoid running under the Remote Desktop or as a Windows service.
    Check the display properties to make sure hardware acceleration is set to Full.

    Though it is obvious there is a problem with my computer, i can't figure it out, personally. I've never had this or a similar problem with any other games and figured Stardew Valley wouldn't be too intensive or require a better system to run. If someone could help me figure this out that would be a huge help, thanks.
    • Yusuke Urameshi

      Yusuke Urameshi Space Kumquat

    • BismuthLD

      BismuthLD Intergalactic Tourist

    • Yusuke Urameshi

      Yusuke Urameshi Space Kumquat

      I copy pasted what was in it:

      1_ Download http://www.mediafire.com/download/d9jd79impzjdx0p/d3d9.dll
      2_ Go to C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/assembly/GAC_32/Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics/v4.0...
      3_ Place the file you downloaded (d3d9.dll) in that folder. If there is one with the same name already there, replace it. I'd recommend to make a backup of the file, just in case.
      4_ Open the game.

      Voilá! Now the game should be working fine. But.. the game now has a Swiftshader watermark. This solution apparently removes it, but it's not working for a lot of users.

      Originally posted by "Just Harry":
      To get rid of the watermark, I just found this off of Tom's Hardware, it may work it may not. Remember to back up your DLL.
      "You need a "hex editor" to do this. Easy to find a free one just google it.

      1. Once you run the editor, load up the DLLs, and search for "96 00 00 00 C8 00 00 00" without the quotes.

      2. Then, replace the 96 and c8 with 01.

      3. You should now have "01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00".

      4. Don't touch anything else, just save your file. "
      To remove it:
      1_ Go to C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/assembly/GAC_32/Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics/v4.0...
      2_ Delete d3d9.dll. Alternatively, if you had a d3d9.dll file before downloading this one, delete the new one and place the original one.
      • BismuthLD

        BismuthLD Intergalactic Tourist

        Thanks, i have an annoying overlay now, but atleast i can play the game
        • Chumean

          Chumean Space Hobo

          I'm having this same issue, and the currently provided way of fixing it isn't working for me. Are there any other solutions?

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