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RELEASED Lombax Race Redux 1.9

Inserts the Lombax race from Ratchet and Clank into Starbound

  1. AlisterAzimuth

    AlisterAzimuth Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    AlisterAzimuth submitted a new mod:

    Lombax Race Redux - Inserts the Lombax race from Ratchet and Clank into Starbound

    Read more about this mod...
  2. jagger68

    jagger68 Void-Bound Voyager

    Is this updated to the same version as the mod on the Steam Workshop?
  3. AlisterAzimuth

    AlisterAzimuth Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    As far as I remember yes. This is just as up to date as the workshop iteration.
  4. Lightning Wing

    Lightning Wing Tentacle Wrangler

    Will there be future updates to this mod? I'd like to hope so since Rift Apart was just released.
  5. ptmc

    ptmc Void-Bound Voyager

    Only bug I found is the following line in the log: [Error] Object spawnerlombax_pointed defined twice, second time from /objects/spawner/spawners/markazian.object

    Which when I looked at the file has the text an exact duplicate of the spawnerlombax_pointed.object file in the same folder.

    Other than that it seems a great mod. (admittedly I haven't checked beyond the main menu, but I am excited for it)

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