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Modded Lonesol's Survival No cheating please, RPG, Cutebound, Fraken 18+

Discussion in 'Public Servers' started by Hatefulpeace, Nov 10, 2020.

  1. Hatefulpeace

    Hatefulpeace Void-Bound Voyager

    Please do not cheat
    By not cheating I mean, please make a new character for this server.
    Do not go into admin mode and get anything, or any hacking ect. n

    Here is the discord server if you have any questions, or you can message me on steam. I will also consider adding more mods, let me know what you want to add.

    Step 1- Install a fresh copy of starbound through steam. Go to where steam downloads your games, cut starbound the entire folder and paste it some where else, like the c drive. Make sure you deleted your starbound folder from steam before you did this.

    Please give the creators credit for still updating and creating these great mods for all of us to enjoy.

    Step 2 - Download for mod.7z-https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_v7BHkgBhY8hm-xc6KMOk374CVTo9bMr/view?usp=sharing

    If you do just download the entire mod folder, just delete the mod folder from your fresh made starbound folder, and replace it with the one from mod.7z Then you are ready for step 4.

    Step 3- Open the mods folder where you put the fresh starbound game, remove mod go here, and unzip all those mods to the mods folder.
    Your mod folder should look like this.

    Step 4- To join launch starbound, then click join game. Type in the Ip and port.

    Port- 21025

    10700k 5ghz all cores

    16 gbs ddr 4 3200 mhz
    150 up 150 down fiber
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2021
  2. Tatsuya91

    Tatsuya91 Big Damn Hero

    can you post a collection of all the mods needed on steam? that would be helpful
  3. Hatefulpeace

    Hatefulpeace Void-Bound Voyager

    It wouldnt help if i linked some of them from steam, not all of them are on steam as a few I made and only uploaded to google drive. Also rpg growth is edited so it forces hard core to stay on and the only place to get it is from google drive where i uploaded it. It wouldnt let you in the game if you used the steam verisions. Cutebound is also a mix of 2 other mods.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2020
  4. @Hatefulpeace can you support connection with protocols version 746 ..? :wut:

    Invite Me Pls
    Player Nickname : Fryday
    Species : Novakid
    -Frackin Universe
    -Spawnable Item Pack
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2020
  5. Hatefulpeace

    Hatefulpeace Void-Bound Voyager

    Not really sure what you mean version 746, you dont need a invite you just have to make your starbound folder identical to the servers or it wont let you in. That includes the assest folder. Also please make a new character.
  6. Hatefulpeace

    Hatefulpeace Void-Bound Voyager

    Server is back up
  7. Hatefulpeace

    Hatefulpeace Void-Bound Voyager

    upgrading the cpus of the server too 2x e5 2650.
  8. Hatefulpeace

    Hatefulpeace Void-Bound Voyager

    2 2650s weren't enough have to upgrade to a 10700k 5 ghz all cores, forgot how demanding star bound is.
  9. Hatefulpeace

    Hatefulpeace Void-Bound Voyager

    It's working fine now, no skips or studders in the mobs like the other cpus. Remember you gotta have the same mods as the server or it won't let you in. Which means if you bring a character from your single player or other character and die it will be dead forever. Please make new characters for this server, many thanks.
  10. Hatefulpeace

    Hatefulpeace Void-Bound Voyager

    Just another update, installed a generator in case the power goes out, I will have it back up and running. The only way it would stay out is if I wasn't home, or sleeping. The fiber stays on regardless of the power, so shouldn't be out very often.
  11. Aquilarios

    Aquilarios Space Hobo

    Hello Hatefulpeace. I was wondering what is the state of the server today? The link for the discord is not working for me aswell as the link to have access to the mods.
  12. Apex_ninja14

    Apex_ninja14 Space Hobo

    the mods didn't work
    what are the names of the mod

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