A block/ore that is magnetic! Attracts iron/metal things. Either detracts or attracts other magnetite blocks/things. Can be used as a mineral for Magnetite equipment. If theres a magnetite ceiling above you you can walk on it using iron boots. Gets stronger if it has electricity running through it. Messes up navigational devices. Could be developed into a scrambling device. Could be mad out of lodestone and steele/iron. Please leave an idea of other things it might do.
Hmmh by what things do you believe the magnetic block would attract/detract? Since I don't really know if there is any blocks that could be moved or so. But I guess it could attract items? Like Pixels (the money) and such.
A picture is worth a thousand words, you know? This is something that I would love to be in the game.
Perhaps it may mess up any navigational equipment (And maybe it could be developed into some form of scrambling device)
Would be cool. It reminds me, these kind of games where you know, there's a gap whilst walking on the ground and you must walk on the ceiling, then back on the ground and stuff.
You should be able to turn off the magnetism with whatever Starbound uses for wiring, if they have any.