RELEASED Makeup (Blush & Lipstick) as Accessories (Updated!)

Discussion in 'Player' started by Jinxiewinxie, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. cure

    cure Pangalactic Porcupine

    Was just suggesting making it based on whatever you wanted because it really would be a simple thing to do :p just need to add 4 pixels really. Could always share it around as well of course.
    • Rous

      Rous Void-Bound Voyager

      Do not worry your way so it is perfect for girls, now you only have to create one for boys haha.
      Such bring him to do hairstyles, I give you ideas if you get bored. :)
      Thank you very much for your work.
        Jinxiewinxie likes this.
      • Jinxiewinxie

        Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

        Mod files have been updated! I've created a second option based on your suggestions.

        Alternate Option
        keeps beard + earrings AND all colors are true-match:


        This one adds back in the earrings to the first 2 lipsticks. I might see about adding another alternate which adds earrings to the Combination options (so you'd have earrings, blush & lipstick). If I did do that, would it be better to have to the gold earrings, the green earrings or a new color earrings?
          Last edited: Mar 28, 2016
          tokiri and Zalkyria like this.
        • Zalkyria

          Zalkyria Existential Complex

          I would like earrings as an option, I like the idea of gold or silver. Is it possible to make earrings without lips, like if you are gonna do a combo?
          • Jinxiewinxie

            Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

            There are earrings just by themselves (gold and green) in the base game but in the update I just did they have lipstick. I can make earrings by themselves or with lipstick or with lipstick & blush pretty easily.
            • Rous

              Rous Void-Bound Voyager

              It looks perfect thank you so much. Only one doubt when the wrist this side because they do not see the earrings? It is that earrings are not in the original

              Graciasss, Thank so much:nuruflirt:

                Last edited: Mar 28, 2016
              • Jinxiewinxie

                Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

                Yeah, that's how the base earrings work for some reason. You can't see them on the of the character at all in character creation, and then when you're in game you can only see them one side.
                • Rous

                  Rous Void-Bound Voyager

                  For questions clarified, thanks. Well now touch make some hairstyles :)
                  • RuneNL

                    RuneNL Subatomic Cosmonaut

                    Wow, you put a lot of work in this. I like it!

                    I'll be sure to download and leave my appreciation at Nexus.
                      Jinxiewinxie likes this.
                    • Jinxiewinxie

                      Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

                      Thank you! ^_^
                      • taintedwheat

                        taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                        Hope you're good, girl!

                        Could you do like "alternative" (quotation marks, because really. what is that even supposed to mean.) lipstick colors? x__x;;; i tend to only wear a lot of weird hues on my lips but on the darker or paler/pastel, yet more colorful side of the color spectrum.

                        Do you think you might be interested in releasing with this or another set, of altgirl colors? O:
                        (but with classic deep red and lolita pink?)
                          Last edited: Apr 7, 2016
                        • Jinxiewinxie

                          Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

                          I could definitely release another set ^_^ I'd just need to come up with colors. How do you feel about LimeCrime's Unicorn and/or Perlees palettes?
                          • taintedwheat

                            taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                            Sure thing! (Although I have mixed feelings about LimeCrime's founder, I think those are good colors for this mod [: )
                              Jinxiewinxie likes this.
                            • Jinxiewinxie

                              Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

                              Here are some WIP files, please check and let me know if you like the colors. Each .zip has the files for both both Unicorn and Perlees palettes. ^_^ I can adjust as necessary before finalizing and adding graphics for them to the main post.

                                Attached Files:

                              • taintedwheat

                                taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                                nice work so far ! i tested all the colors out! uhm, is there anyway you can darken the hues a little more?

                                I am using skin 2 and light the powdery colors aren't showing up as much as I'd like o:
                                  Jinxiewinxie likes this.
                                • Jinxiewinxie

                                  Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

                                  Sure! I was just using the dropper tool on some screenshots of the palettes without changing the color much. I'll work on adjust the lighter ones =) Might be a few hours (have to go to work, yayyyyy) but it'll get done ^_^
                                    taintedwheat likes this.
                                  • taintedwheat

                                    taintedwheat Master Astronaut

                                    Thank you! no worries! I have to get ready and go to school myself, but I wanted to make sure to test it for you before the day was out so you can check that off later n____n
                                      Jinxiewinxie likes this.
                                    • Minakie

                                      Minakie Cosmic Narwhal

                                      Is there a way to make this your with your Get Dressed mod?
                                      'Cause that mode only allows you to either use lipstick or blush and I'd like to be able to use both simultaneously.
                                      • Jinxiewinxie

                                        Jinxiewinxie Farmer Fashionista

                                        Hmmm sort of. You can use this accessories file instead of the one thats in the overrides folder with the mod, but it may have some issues with expecting there to be more acccessories than there are in the file, so if you go above 20 (I think its 20...) you'll just have blank accessories.

                                        I might consider adding some dual options to Get Dressed, but its sort of ridiculous with something like 80 different lipsticks and 20 different blushes, trying to choose which combinations of which colors people would like, etc. etc.
                                          Minakie and Cemo like this.
                                        • lilyeverlasting

                                          lilyeverlasting Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                          does this not work for anyone else after 1.1?

                                 seems to be working now. Nevermind!
                                            Last edited: Oct 4, 2016

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