Suggestion Map Editor Enhancements: Labeling Components

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by wargroovevanmark, Apr 7, 2019.


Which of the three would you be most excited for?

  1. Units

  2. Decorations

  3. Terrains

  4. None of the above

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  1. wargroovevanmark

    wargroovevanmark Space Hobo

    Suffice to say the game is amazing. The map editor adds so much value to the expansion of the lifetime of the game and there is so much you can do with it already. However I think a few tweaks would open up a lot of more possibilities for creative maps and story telling.

    At the current build you can label areas, but it would also be nice to be able to label:
    1. Units
    2. Decorations
    3. Terrains
    1. UNITS
    At this time you need to target groups of units, such as archers or villagers. However it would be awesome to label or even name a unit. This way you can create units of interest.

    For example (condition):
    Does Current Player have exactly 1 of Villager #1 at Location B?

    Villager #1 could also be named Bob if you labelled him that. So the only thing changed here is not a group of units but pointing a specific unit. That way if a specific unit died, or a specific unit crossed a line or a specific unit stoot for a gate some event could occur. Possibilities are endless.

    The decorations are the most unique parts of the map. You got flowers, spiritual stones and treasure chests. However there is no way to target them at this point. If you could label and target them that would mean you could "Spawn a treasure chest" when a specific unit (read above) or group of units in an area was killed. Or move the spiritual stone to a different location. Leave a trail of flowers even. Again endless possibilities.

    For example (condition):
    Any Unit owned by Current Player kill Giant owned by Any Player at Any Location.

    For example (action):
    Spawn Treasure Chest at Location B for Current Player (silent = false).

    When you can label and target terrains. So you can swap them into different terrains. You could destroy a fortress wall by swapping it with the grass terrain. You could lower the bridge, by swapping water to the bridge terrain. Etc.

    For example (condition):
    Does Current Player have exactly 1 of Villager at Location B?

    For example (action):
    Change terrain at Location B to Grass.
    • Fwoopical

      Fwoopical Big Damn Hero

      This is exactly what Wargroove needs right now
      Mostly the Unit one, but the others are also interesting...

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