Hi! I'm trying to make a post-marriage event in the farmhouse, but I can't test it because I can't get it to trigger. I've been checking for typos and syntax errors for 3 hours, but I can't find any. I'm at my wit's end! I'm hoping someone with more experience can help me figure out what I'm doing wrong. It's just a simple black-background-with-dialogue kind of event. Here's the code (I replaced most of the lines to filler text because of potentially triggering content): I've tried changing the event preconditions and removing all the preconditions to just [ID Name], but no dice. I also wrote a version that involves actors moving around and emoting, but since this basic version isn't working, I decided to hold off on testing that one.
Hi @tenthousandcats. How are you applying the changes in-game? Is this a Content Patcher pack or an XNB mod?
Can you paste the text for your new event here? (With the lorem ipsums is fine.) I'll see if I can figure out why it isn't working.
Here it is in full (Kinda embarrassed by how obvious it is that Shane's my fave haha): 59443143143/f Shane 3000: "shaneTheme/-2000 -2000/farmer 13 23 2/pause 1500/speak Shane \"Hey, peach.$6\"/pause 1000/speak Shane \"Long day, huh?$6\"/pause 500/speak Shane \"Yeah. Thought so.$3\"/pause 1500/speak Shane \"@... I just need to get this off my chest.$s#$b#Today was pretty bad for me.$s\"/pause 500/speak Shane \"Heh, don't worry, nothing happened.$6#$b#It's just... everything's so heavy.$3\"/pause 500/speak Shane \"Honestly, I'm starting to think that I'll feel this way for the rest of my life.$s#$b#And sometimes...$s#$b#Sometimes, I still wish I could just end it all.$3\"/pause 1000/speak Shane \"I can't, though.$3#$b#I don't want you to worry. I'm not gonna do anything like that. Ever.#$b#There are too many people depending on me. And there are lots of good things in my life.\"/pause 500/speak Shane \"I have you. And there's Jas, Marnie, the farm, the chickens.$3#$b#My friends in town, hell, even %pet.$6\"/speak Shane \"...There's no way I can just... leave.$3#$b#Even if I feel like I want to.$s#$b#The good things all keep me here. I just gotta make sure to hold on to them.$3\"/pause 500/speak Shane \"And I wanna let you know that of all the good things keeping me here...$3#$b#You're my favorite.$6\"/pause 500/speak Shane \"Heh, that sounded really corny, didn't it?$h#$b#I mean it, though.$6\"/pause 1000/speak Shane \"Anyway, we'd better get some shut-eye.$6#$b#Goodnight, @.$6\"/pause 2000/end bed" #!String Thank you so much!!!
Make sure the event ID (that first number) is less than 2,147,483,647 to fix that. Here's a Content Patcher version if you're interested. Just install Content Patcher and unzip this into your Mods folder. XNB mods are no longer recommended.