mathnight ore

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by Torin Vandervort, Jun 21, 2012.


Do you think this is a good idea.

Poll closed Jul 11, 2012.
  1. yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. no

    0 vote(s)
  3. with some change

  1. Torin Vandervort

    Torin Vandervort Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This ore will sucked in power like water to a sponge it will be found in groups of one to two the color black with a orange glow that becomes brighter when power is absorbed if you stand by it for to long you will become weaker for a little time if you mine it it will explode and give you a orange gem you then can make a energy collector that will power your machines it will make energy out of thin air this would be high tier stuff you mite make armour out of it to the armour will become stronger with the energy it absorbed you would need some suit to protect you there mite be weapons to that do the same like swords guns lasers and more the weapons could take the power of the being as you attack you could also make a laser out of it as base protection and to power your base. Hope you like the idea sorry about any spelling errors and thank you for your time.
  2. civengine

    civengine Big Damn Hero

    This is one big spelling error.
  3. Torin Vandervort

    Torin Vandervort Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Sorry it my machine it will crash if I hit the period button to much sorry :(

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