The matter manipulator, a tool whose splendor helps us in almost every way possible within the starbound experience. It seems to have a purpose wherever you go, except one...boss dungeons. The use of the matter manipulator is strictly cut off in boss dungeons to prevent the player from taking shortcuts/taking blocks that are used repeatedly in missions, however, it may be a clever use of the matter manipulator to use it as a weapon against certain bosses with shells/high defenses. Where weapons won't be able to break through heavy stone or hardened shells, the matter manipulator can be able to break through it with some time and effort. Of course it won't be easy to do so in battle due to their attacks/movement, but instead of treating it like an ore, make the shell/creature actually have a health bar that is only affected via matter manipulator. In the end, it will create more thought and strategy in the battles with bosses, adding challenge, and quite possibly adding another layer of possibilities.
Maybe one could also make use of the wiring tool to complete certain parts of missions and boss battles. If a set of diodes lacks security, you can hack into it and then manipulate the various linked diodes. Maybe to sneakily trigger a trap, open/close a bridge or door, or shut off lights (which will hopefully make it harder for enemies to detect you...).
Or use wiring to set back up the automated turrets that were shut off previously to help in boss battles.
There really is a lot of functions the matter manipulator could be used for in boss dungeons/boss battles...