
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ryulightorb, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. Ryulightorb

    Ryulightorb Yeah, You!

    Posted a suggestion but does anyone think we will have some proper measurments and not the outdated inches etc.

    I know this game is made in the US which is why i forgive it but i want to play it when it comes out but those little things can put me and others off.

    Does anyone else think or hope there will be a way to change the measurement between imperial and metric
    • Zoolot

      Zoolot Existential Complex

      D-d-d-double thread!

      And, yeah I think it'd be neat to have this.
      • natelovesyou

        natelovesyou Oxygen Tank

        Unfortunately, due to the fact that I was raised in the USA, I'm also used to Imperial...inches and feet and such. But I wouldn't mind if it was purely Metric, or Imperial. Like you said, a choice between the two is best.
        • Cassie

          Cassie Phantasmal Quasar

          Don't want to sound rude or anything, sorry if I do ^^;
          But could anyone tell me why measurements are important to know?

          I'm thinking maybe like the resolution? Maybe for multiple screens?
          Not sure though..
          • natelovesyou

            natelovesyou Oxygen Tank

            I'm not sure myself, I just figured that the OP knew... but perhaps measuring is used with item spacing/size/parameters.
            • Arrek

              Arrek Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              I think he was meaning for in game, for fish and other such objects.
              • natelovesyou

                natelovesyou Oxygen Tank

                What other form could he possibly have meant if not in game? Obviously it's "in-game"...haha.
                • Arrek

                  Arrek Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  Weirdness, your reply was not there when I posted this, and I was meaning it more towards Cassie's response.
                  • natelovesyou

                    natelovesyou Oxygen Tank

                    Ha totally fine. I guess the site is acting up again!

                    Not sure why Cassie would think it has to do with multiple monitors, since they're measured in pixels, i.e. 1920 x 1080.
                    • Cassie

                      Cassie Phantasmal Quasar


                      It was a guess, I'm just trying to figure out why measurements are important.
                      • oath2order

                        oath2order Parsec Taste Tester

                        I'm in favor of Imperial because 'murika.
                          Hollow likes this.
                        • Voyager

                          Voyager Spaceman Spiff

                          Usually when you buy fertilizer it says how many acres it covers. That would be kilometers in EU and the rest of the world.
                          It would be simple to add a converter into the game but hard to check all of the places in the dialog measurements might be used.
                            Cassie likes this.
                          • Voyager

                            Voyager Spaceman Spiff

                            Let me rephrase the above.
                            You need to know how many acres you are going to till before you go to the store to buy fertilizer.
                            On fertilizer bags they have the amount to put on per acre and also the cost per acre so you can manage a budget from year to year.
                            I don't know how much this game is going to get into mathematics but every farm today is a business and there are a lot of calculations to do.
                            The measurements a farmer has to do are needed both for fertilizer, pesticides and also water. If you have a limited water supply you have to calculate how much water you can put on each acre per year and thus what you can grow. So you need to use one unit of measurement so that you don't pull a NASA and have a horrible mistake.
                              Cassie likes this.
                            • Cassie

                              Cassie Phantasmal Quasar

                              I see what he meant by measurements now.
                              That's all I wanted to know, thank you guys. <3
                              • claudekennilol

                                claudekennilol Space Kumquat

                                Do you go ape-crazy when games implement their own measurements? If it's clearly defined within the game then it doesn't matter what the label is. I mean, if I'm playing the game on my 24" monitor or my 65" TV it's going to be 1980x1080 either way, and a "foot" or an "inch" in the game aren't going to be the same between the two and different still from what actual foot or inch is. So it's all within the context of how it's defined and used. Honestly, I feel the point of this thread is just "waaah, I'm better than Americans because I use meters."
                                  natelovesyou and oath2order like this.
                                • oath2order

                                  oath2order Parsec Taste Tester

                                  Yeah that sounds about right. I mean, it's been stated that the blocks in Minecraft are using the metric system, yet nobody complains about it because the unit of measurement is actually "blocks". Likewise, in most Harvest Moon games, the unit of measurement is "squares" which is what I'll assume is happening here.
                                  • natelovesyou

                                    natelovesyou Oxygen Tank

                                    Perhaps the unit of measurement should be pixels...keeps it simple.
                                    • Thorin

                                      Thorin Pangalactic Porcupine

                                      I'm from Europe, therefore the metric system is my preferred one.
                                      That someone (way,.. waaayy back then) made a measurement based on lengths of his body parts is beyond me.

                                      But when it comes to games, it really doesn't matter that much to me.
                                      53 inch squid is still 2.54 cm shorter then a 54 inch squid.
                                      It is just eye candy and besides a bigger squid will net more money, when selling, then a shorter one. Regardless of which unit is used.
                                        natelovesyou and Hollow like this.
                                      • Lumina

                                        Lumina Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                        I grew up with both systems. Doesn't matter either or. Though perhaps having both available ie say Inches, (cm) following in that format.
                                          Thorin likes this.

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