Benjamin looks confused as to why she's laughing but goes along with it, "oh, what's that?" He asks curiously about the necklace.
Miratha continues to smile. "Tis a token of me gratitude, and I'd like ye to 'ave it. Tis one o' 'te reasons why I'm 'ere. I craft bone jewelry fer a livin', along side 'untin', and I'll be lookin' te start up a business of sellin' stuff like dis."
"It's for me? Thank you! I'll make sure to treasure it for as long as it exists," Benjamin replies with a big smile. "Where do you plan on setting up shop? I might stop by if that's okay with you."
Miratha tilts her head slightly as she tires to recall something. The proverbial light bulb dings in her eyes and she claps her paws together. "Ah yes! If me memry serves right; and it usually does, supposed to be a city to teh south wit lots of opportunities fer tradin' an stuff. Hopin' to set up shop der." Miratha easily getting excited at the thought of city life. She looks to Benjamin with a proud nod, "Ye'd be more den welcome to come 'round! Ye practically saved me life, so once I get settled away, ye could enjoy some discount on me goods!"
"I wouldn't call it saving your life, just helping out a stranger," Benjamin pauses. "Does that city you're travelling to happen to be Lletta?" he asks.
Miratha shakes her head, "Aah, but I insist, Ben. I doubt anyone else would 'ave 'elped. I'm 'eadin' to some place called Fortuna. I 'eard from some travelers dat something 'appened and dere's opportunity abound."
"Ah alright, well luckily enough I'm heading that way as well, I want to get an official title so I can help the people of the land better." Benjamin smirks.
The sound of Benjamin's boast makes Miratha grin a little. "Oh, really now?" She inquires, seeing what should prod out of the Glitch, "Supoose ye've got yerself a good arm fer fightin'?"
Miratha puffs her chest out, "How 'bout we 'ave ourselves a little bout? I'm always rearin' te test meself. Gotta stay sharp if ye wanna make the best 'hunt I say." Miratha proposes, and continues on, "Don't wanna 'urt each udder, so I'd say we keep ta guards on our weapons."
"How about no weapons at all? Straight up hand-to-hand sparring," Benjamin suggests, stretching his fingers out.
Miratha nods to that, she smiles a big toothy grin as she begins to do stretches, "Now dis sounds like fun!" She hums a happy tune and poises herself. "Since I'm challengin' ya, ye can make te' rules."
"Okay, no hurting each other, there is no winner, only hand-to-hand sparring, and I guess it ends when we're both exhausted enough to go to the nearest Inn or Tavern," Benjamin states. "Sound good?"
"Aye, sounds good 'ta me. Could really go fer a pint." Miratha nods at that note, she holds one arm out in front of her and keeps the other crooked near her side in a grappling stance. She crouches down, making her already small frame all the smaller.
The greying commander, Zechariah Kauriss, sits in his quarters, bent over a piece of parchment, quill in hand. At Delzin's question, he puts the quill away and stands up. "Einstraad, I've been told that you were at the Four Oaks with a lady. While you were supposed to be patrolling the wall." He sighs, this having been the most recent of quite a few such incidents involving Delzin. "Is this true?" he asks the young man, his brown eyes stern.
I feel like I could step on her, how is this fair? Benjamin questions himself as he readies into a boxing position. "Ready when you are."
" sorry sir, it wont happen again.... " { Delzin shuffles his feet a bit } " Sir...I can explain. "
Miratha makes a dash at Benjamin, making an attempt to grapple his arms. If I can disable 'is arms, I can win dis.
Benjamin feigns a mistake and lets Miratha grapple one of his arms, he then quickly counters by using his size and weight to attempt to fling Miratha with an Irish whip.