RP Medievalbound

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Alkanthe, Feb 19, 2016.

  1. Tatterdemalion

    Tatterdemalion Phantasmal Quasar

    "Allow me, travellers!" Ventello stashed away his notes and approached the duo. The Glitch won after all. Interesting. It was a stroke of luck that Ventello had been travelling in his servant's disguise, complete with a false, heart-shaped mask. "I'd be happy to buy a drink for such powerful adventurers!" he pined in saccharine tones. As an added effect, the Phobe's four pupils all turned a magenta hue of admiration.
  2. CondescendedWow

    CondescendedWow Supernova

    "Me too, I hope there's a big menu here.." Benjamin adds as he strolls toward the nearby tavern.

    Benjamin pauses, turns back, "oh, hello? Thanks sir!"
  3. Gilligan Lanley

    Gilligan Lanley Space Kumquat

    "G'day, lad! Miratha replies enthusiastically, "You're a migty fine fellow. Wat be yer name?" Miratha eyes over Ventello, she tilts her head lightly to the side. 'E smells a bit funny, and dats an... odd lookin' mask e's got der. Miratha thinks to herself.
    Alkanthe likes this.
  4. Tatterdemalion

    Tatterdemalion Phantasmal Quasar

    "Oh, I'm merely a servant- Thisby, if you wish, ma'am. Come- I've got spare coin and a round of drinks is in order! Oh my!" Thisby started. "I've neglected to ask your names. Please excuse my indolence. What do you call yourselves?"
    Relten likes this.
  5. Gilligan Lanley

    Gilligan Lanley Space Kumquat

    Mira quickly shakes her head, brushing aside her thoughts for the time being. "Mirata, Mirata Stoutmanle. Dat's wit an 'aych'. I can be a bit, 'ard to understand. We folk up nort tend ta drop da 'aych' as I'm sure ye 'eard by now. Miratha prattles on. "Ye can just call me Mira."
  6. Tatterdemalion

    Tatterdemalion Phantasmal Quasar

    Wretched Nordlings. "Ah, of course, Madam, er, Mira. It's a pleasure! You're quite the fighter- you and your Glitchian friend both! You wouldn't happen to be travelling to Fortuna, would you?"
    Relten likes this.
  7. CondescendedWow

    CondescendedWow Supernova

    "I am! I'm not sure about Mira here though, we just met a little bit ago. And my name's Benjamin Botman, you can call me Ben." Benjamin looks at Thisby curiously.
    "I'd like to see you in action sometime.."
  8. Tatterdemalion

    Tatterdemalion Phantasmal Quasar

    "A pleasure, Master Botman. I'm afraid that I'm not a fighter myself- I'll leave the heroics to you!" Ventello began leading the pair to the local pub. "Fortuna may be just the place for you, my friends. We're in dire need of heroics at a time like this."
    (Very sorry about the delayed response)
    Alkanthe likes this.
  9. CondescendedWow

    CondescendedWow Supernova

    (It's totally cool)
    "Soooo... Seems like we've gathered a nice little group here, huh?" Benjamin awkwardly asks.
    (@Gilligan Lanley )
    Alkanthe likes this.
  10. Gilligan Lanley

    Gilligan Lanley Space Kumquat

    I believe dat's where I be 'eadin'. Suppose to be some grand city 'round 'ere dat I can make a livin' sellin' me trades. Miratha replies to the two as she followed suit.
    I don't know 'bout any 'eroics, but if it comes ta fightin' to live, ye can bet yer arse I'll put up a good one! Miratha puffs up her chest, patting Benjamin on the lower-back.

    Aye, tis a montley crew indeed. She follows up with a hearty laugh.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2016
  11. CondescendedWow

    CondescendedWow Supernova

    Benjamin opens the tavern door for the other two, peeking inside.
  12. Tatterdemalion

    Tatterdemalion Phantasmal Quasar

    "Thank you kindly." Ventello steps inside the tavern. "Two of your finest brews!" he calls out to the barman. He doesn't order one for himself- Ventello doesn't wish to cloud his greatest asset with drink. After ordering, he claims a corner table and procures an extra chair for the Glitch. He gestures for the two to take a seat.
    Alkanthe and Arra like this.
  13. Arra

    Arra The End of Time

    { Delzin gives Kauriss a pleading look }
  14. CondescendedWow

    CondescendedWow Supernova

    Benjamin rushes over to the seat, not wanting to keep Ventello waiting, "so what are you doing in these parts?" he asks.
  15. Sir Wilfrey

    Sir Wilfrey Spaceman Spiff

    *The guard stiffens at the sight of the approaching newcomer. He replies in a rough and heavily-accented tone* "Is that so? On what grounds might ye be visitin'?" *He flips through a small book he pulls from his pocket* "Certainly not a few visit'rs 'ese days, no sirree."
    Arra likes this.
  16. DustyScabbard

    DustyScabbard Spaceman Spiff

    Alan grins slightly at the guard's words, reaching into his cloak at the same time. "I'd expect not, especially with recent events. Security must have increased as well." From one of the inside pockets Alan removes a small object, and offers to the guard in his upturned palm. There sits a small symbol made of iron, small enough to be worn as a broach on clothing. The metal depicts a book wreathed in flames, with a shield laying over the book. The metalwork was evidently intricate, forged by a master smith and craftsman of jewelry. "The Loremasters wish to help keep things stable while a new heir is found."
    Sir Wilfrey likes this.
  17. Sir Wilfrey

    Sir Wilfrey Spaceman Spiff

    *The guard scratches his beard thoughtfully, and flips through the book until he finds a matching symbol within, marked "HONORED GUEST".* "R-RIGHT THIS WAY, SIR!" *He quickly points to a few other guards, and the gate rises with a new urgency, the original guard hastily bowing and gesturing for you to head in*
    Alkanthe likes this.
  18. DustyScabbard

    DustyScabbard Spaceman Spiff

    Alan nods to the guard, thanking him. He takes the token and secures it to the outside of his cloak. This will make things progress easier once inside. At least, for those who would recognize it. In the entrance hall Alan looks around at the muted decor, not quite retired from the passing of the king, and scans the room for anyone who looks like a member of the staff.
    Sir Wilfrey likes this.
  19. Arra

    Arra The End of Time

    { Delzin laughs a bit }

    " So...that's it for me I guess.. "
  20. Sir Wilfrey

    Sir Wilfrey Spaceman Spiff

    *A small Glitch in a tan tunic and a... flamboyant.... hat approaches him* "Dismissive. You, yes you, you are to follow me to speak to him directly, come along now. Degrading. Understand me? Fo-llow." *He strolls off without waiting for a response*

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