Vote Here! If you don't like the race, be sure to leave a comment as to why! MEET THE CERPINE Above: Cerpine w/ pistol, by DevastoR Who are the Cerpine? The Cerpine are a race of sentient alien snakes, who use a special robotic suit to give themselves arms and legs. They hail from the desert planet Kha'ahn, and have a rich culture. The Cerpine are also very religious, which leads to major issues, including the seperation of their race. The Cerpine are very intelligent, and they are very good at working with electronics and machinery. However, they like to incorperate their ancient traditions into their modern work, leading to a strange mix of old and new. Sterotypical Cerpine w/ sword. History of the Cerpine 0000: The Cerpine roam the desert in small tribes, searching for water and food, developing their culture at a much slower rate than most sentient species, due to their lack of arms. 1300: They slowly learn to use their mouths to manipulate and create tools to help them, and they domesticate several species to do what is impossible for them. 1700: The Cerpine settle into larger groups and start to develop permanent dwellings. 1800: The dwellings become cities. During this time, wars over water sources are frequent. 1880: During a battle, it is said that a massive silver serpent was spotted flying from one side of the sky to the other. Due to this event, a ceasefire is held. 1881: The ceasefire evolves into lasting peace. The sighting of the serpent becomes a new religion. The serpent is named Cha'ess, or in English, God. 1883: The very first priests are initiated. They do what they can to help spread the word of Cha'ess, and promote peace among the separate groups. 2000: The different nations of Cerpine have now all been united under Cha'ess. The Cerpine no longer fight wars, so all their effort is put into advancement. 2600: Due to a comfortable lifestyle, corruption slowly starts to take hold of the priests. They have also essentially become the rulers. 2800: Corruption has completely taken over the priests. They use the word of Cha'ess in order to manipulate their followers. Everything they do is for their benefit. Soldiers are hired to keep everything in line. 2893: Large-scale battle takes place orbiting Kha'ahn. A large number of Hylotl ships is ambushed by a fleet of Floran raiders. Several ships are destroyed, and several crash-land on the surface of Kha'ahn. Most survivors are quickly overrun and taken prisoner by the Cerpine. The wreckage from the ships is quickly salvaged by soldiers. Both Florans and Hylotl are interrogated in secret, though the Hylotl are the only ones who figure out how to communicate with the Cerpine. The Cerpine priests force the Hylotl prisoners to teach them about their technology, The Florans, serving no purpose to the priests, are secretly executed. 2893: The Hylotl are forced to create basic tech for the Cerpine to use. They create special suits that give the Cerpine mechanical limbs, increasing their efficiency by 600%. Once this is done, they too are executed. The Florans and Hylotl are then announced as demons, who were sent to kill Cha'ess, and unfortunately succeeded. They claim that the tech they have been taught is sacred, as they were taught how to use and create it through Cha'ess' dying words. No regular Cerpine is permitted to use any tech, other than a bodysuit, except for soldiers and minions of the priests. This causes an uprising soon after, though, and a civil war begins. The Cerpine are divided into two groups. There are the priests and their followers, who believe (or forced to believe) that Cha'ess was killed by the outsiders. These Cerpine are known as the Closed, and their symbol is a diamond with a horizontal line running through it. This represents the eye of Cha'ess as closed and dead. Then there are the Open, who believe that Cha'ess is still alive, and that the outsiders are not demons. Their symbol is a diamond with a vertical diamond running through the center. This represents the eye of Cha'ess as open and alive. The civil war is short however, as the Closed have the advantage, both in number, and in weaponry. The remaining Open are driven into the desolate wilderness. 2898: Due to being introduced to limbs, the technological pace of the Cerpine has vastly increased. The first prototype spaceship is made, along with a great variety of other useful contraptions. Small uprisings are frequent. Slowly, the rebel forces are growing once more. 2900: The Closed begin their crusade to destroy all other races in the galaxy. A nearby Floran planet is burned to ashes, and many more planets follow. 2902: The Open forces manage to launch an all-out surprise attack in order to obtain as many vehicles, suits and weapons as possible. Though casualties are high, they manage to leave Kha'ahn with a small fleet. 2902-Present: The Closed continue their holy crusade, while the Open try and rebuild their society as best as possible. From time to time, members of the Closed will either wise up, or muster the courage to leave. If they survive, that is. CULTURE The Cerpine use three basic materials in most of their work. Stone, metal, and cloth. Using special tools, Cerpine create amazing sandstone sculptures and incorperate them into their buildings. Many older buildings are made of stone. Newer ones are made of various metals. The Cerpine also use a lot of cloth. They are known for their work in creating quality fabric, carpets in particular. Their clothing is both loose-fitting and colorful, and it is designed to keep out both sand and sun. Being technologicly advanced, the Cerpine are big on metal creations. They excel in creating mechs, and all their other machinery is considered high quality by most races. The Cerpine have no schools. Instead, they use an apprenticeship system, where they begin their general knowledge at home, then work for a master at age ten. After ten more years, they finish the apprenticeship, and begin their own life. Cerpine have an average lifespan of 170 years. PERSONALITY The Cerpine are an intelligent and complex species, who prefer to only deal with the more advanced cultures. They also have a good sense of humor, often replying to other races sarcasticly or humoring them, even when it's their worst enemy. They are, however, quick to anger, which can remove both the humorous and intelligent side of them. Other things include: Terrible cooking skills, fascination with round objects, slight pyromania, hatred of cold climates, love of water based foods, disregard for gold and prefrence for pistols, chainswords and acid weapons. Kha'ahn Landscape Kha'ahn is a desert planet of mostly sand and rock. Large mountains protrude the sand like an arrow through flesh. Where ther is more sand than rock, giant canyons span as far as the eye can see. In places where water lies, you will almost ALWAYS find some kind of Cerpine construction, as in the time before space travel, water was more valuble than gold. (Gold was abundant!) Fauna SOLARAPTOR The mighty solaraptor used to hunt down Cerpine, but now the tables have turned, and the Cerpine hunted it instead. The Closed took some of these on their warships, and over the years, they have spread to other planets. They thrive on Forest and Jungle planets, as well as desert planets. STRAINER The severbra, or the strainer, is a grim creature. A mollusk that thrives on blood, it is thought to be a distant reletive of the Bylon. It hides in sand, and waits for years for something to shed blood on it's spikes. The blood drips down through the sand, and into the shell, where the strainer drinks it. LESSER EVERAREN Lil' weasel fox guy with four ears. Often hunted by Cerpine and solaraptors. Crops and Food Left to right, Cantapple, Duneshroom and Shockroot.CANTAPPLE The cantapple has a texture like raw pumpkin, and tastes like cantaloupe. It grows near oases, and were a common item for travelers to bring with them on long journeys. DUNESHROOM The duneshroom tastes like a portabella mushroom, only sweeter, more rubbery, and with a flavor that resembles honey. This Mushroom is highly toxic when mixed with Serpentine, so be careful. It lives up to it's name, and grows best on the side of large sand dunes. SHOCKROOT The outer portion of the root is potato-like in texture, and tastes like rye. The center is incredibly sour, giving it the name shockroot. It grows in dry soil. NON-NATIVE FOOD Cerpine enjoy a great amount of food from other parts of the universe, because their planet was so devoid of life. In particular, they enjoy watermelon, prickly pear, eggplant and mushrooms as crops. They also really enjoy Pop-top Tarts™. Sprites Cerpine Armor Cerpine Customization & furnishings Cerpine starter pets Assorted Cerpine Weapons Snapmite, Lesser Everaren, Radar watcher DUNGEONS Ever since the Cerpine domesticated the Eartle, they have worked with rock and stone. In the times before the appearence of Cha'ess, these mines were built all over the planet. Water was valueble, so to keep out intruding tribes, the Cerpine filled them with deadly traps. They were all eventually abandoned, but they are still made be the Closed on other planets, due to their effectiveness in finding both water and valuble materials. Common Dangers: Traps, dangerous creatures, miners, foremen, patrol drones, cave-ins, lava. Common Treasures: Minerals, tools, fossils, Cerpine items. The main fighting ship of the Closed, often used to scar entire landscapes with the giant laser in the front. Sometimes, these ships will crash land, or go in for repairs, at which point you can enter them and steal all the loot. If you survive, that is. Common Dangers: Closed forces, Hi-tech defense systems. Common Treasures: Cerpine items. Music Kha'ahn Exploration Vicious Serenade: Cerpine Priest Battle Relationships with other beings (needs to be updated) NOTE: These entries are not canon, and are simply here for flavor. All suggestions below belong to their respectable owners. ALSO NOTE: These relations apply to the Open only. -------------RACES------------- DARKBOUND The Cerpine hate the Darkbound, finding them to be primal and malicious beings. Some Cerpine devote their entire life to fighting this threat. The Darkbound on the other hand, couldn't care less what the Cerpine think of them. Or any race, for that matter. GILLIAN Though the Gillians are not very advanced creatures, The Cerpine are good freinds with them due to their kind and befreindable nature. The Gillians provide the Cerpine with minerals often found underwater, and the Cerpine in return provide them with whatever they need. GLUNAUGHT Because of the Glunaught's greed and obsession with crystals, the Cerpine don't think too fondly of them. Nevertheless, they still trade with them, but that dosn't stop fight breaking out in the streets, or from there being intense and somtimes fatal rivalry. NYATINESE Cats and snakes don't have much in common on earth other than they're both silent carnivores, but here, the Cerpine and the Nyatinese are good freinds. The Nyatinese are respectable, smart, clean and honest. Just what a Cerpine sees makes a good freind. Trade with these Cat people is essential to the Cerpine, as battling the Terrors of the universe is not easy when you're thrown into the fray. DRAGOKNIGHTS For the time being, the two are not at war because of the Dragoknight's honor, which states that they would not strike down a foe weaker than themselves. Because the Cerpine are already at war with two strong opponents, they see waging war against them as an act of dishonor. Thus, the Cerpine are safe from them. However, if the Open survive these dark times, then they could easily lead to even darker times, as not much is known about the Dragoknights. Nevertheless, The Cerpine are thankful for the Dragoknight's kind, yet insane nature. UMBRASTELLANS The Cerpine know of the umbrastellans, but treat them scientificly the same. What they don't know won't hurt them. They've got quite enough trying to hurt them already. LIBERI The Cerpine are good freinds with the Liberi. Though the Liberi's technology is more advanced, the Cerpine's tech is higher quality. Plans are in progress to share each other's techniques, which will result in the best technology in the galaxy. If the Cerpine can survive that long, that is. AVIANS The Avians, being a more primitive race, do not function with the Cerpine as a Civilization. Avians that have left their race vary on a case by case basis. These Avians range anywhere from unwelcome in all Cerpine establishments, to working in the very core of Cerpine society. APEX Big ape sees all. If that were true, then the Cerpine and the Apex would be at war right now, which is somthing that the Cerpine could not afford. Apex may be smart, but they are no mach for the cleverness of the Cerpine. They have been feeding supplies to the group of rebels, as it is in their belief that they should be free. Once the reveloution starts, the big monkeys on top won't know what hit them. VEXEN Vexen, vexen, vexen... You enslaved races, and for the Cerpine that is unacceptable. Your acts will never be forgotten, and now the races of the stars look down on you. As they are no longer a civilization of their own, there is no large-scale buissness with the Vexen, and because their ways vary so much, it's not even a matter of hate for each other. When they cross paths, they just look at each other sadly and continue on their way. FLORANS The Cerpine stay away from them for the most part. The Florans usually keep away from Cerpine as well, due to a few reasons. 1. They fight back. 2. They have very little meat. 3. They have a habit of escaping their snares and nets. The Cerpine don't even acknowledge the Florans as a proper civilization. Just a roaming bunch of monsters. PARFILIANS With so much in common, what is there to hate? Well, truth be told, though the Cerpine are on better terms with these little cats than with any other race, it's not without troubles. The Cerpine wish to find out just what it is that allows the Parfilians to live longer, and the Parfilians refuse to share any information with them. Apart from that, though, they seem to get along just fine. MONOPHYTES It's like looking into a mirror, and seeing your equal. In... a cultural sense, that is. They are a rare sight in Cerpine settlements and cities, and usually only stay for a few days, before continuing on their way. The Cerpine are fearful of these creatures, and don't like having them around for long. They arn't aggressive toward the Monophytes, they just don't like them around. Or at least, they say that they don't. Some Cerpine have admitted that, in reality, they are curious about these creatures and really like them.They admit that though they shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, it's easier said than done. GLITCH Glitch, unlike Monophytes, are a common sight to the Cerpine. They were one of the groups that helped the Cerpine rebels the most when they escaped Kha'ahn. The "Broken" ones that is. The persecuting majority are aggressive toward Cerpine. For the most part, Cerpine and Glitch are compatible, though, despite the Glitch's best efforts, the Cerpine never really grew fond of oil mead, and this lead to some nasty fights at times. OSCURA While trade does take place between the two races, they are not fond of each other. Instead, they both prefer to pretend that that the other does not exist. GEMETOILE Pleasant little group of gem people to the Cerpine, they provide high-quality gemstones, which are useful in creating trinkets and lasers. 8/10 would invite over for lunch. ZAAHIR The Cerpine, ironically enough, find the Zaahir to be below them, and an insult to desert cultures. Their sterotypical theiving habits from the poor,combined with the stuck up nature of the rich, makes the Cerpine look at them with disgust. The Cerpine secretly hope that they get obliterated by the Closed. NOVAKIDS (+Anodynes!) These are seen from time to time. The Cerpine have on multiple occasions tried to teach them about forming a civilization, and how to record their findings. Every attempt to do so has failed miserably. DRALE The Drale are seen as odd to the Cerpine. Though they share many similarities, they prefer just to leave the Drale be. Their lack of quality goods may contribute to this. EXTERAS CAEDERE The Cerpine say they don't know them. Really, they don't. They swear. IGNEYANS While the Cerpine know they exist, they have no real interest in them. They seem very plain, but they do provide materials that are very difficult to find elsewhere. As such, trade occurs from time to time. DECAPODS The Cerpine don't know much about these weird beings. Their loud nature tends to get on the Cerpine's nerves. As a result, they tend to try and get Deacapods to take interest in other races, so that they will be left alone. FELIX The Cerpine enjoy the company of the Felix, to an extent. While their personality is calm, kind and quiet, they lack interest in technology and awesome weapons, which greatly disappoints the Cerpine. They do provide valuable bio-data however, along with rare drugs used for medicine. -------------CREATURES------------- CENTAURS While having come across ungulates that resemble centaurs in skeletal structure, the Cerpine have never encountered anything that resembles the Centaur of human myth. SANDEMOS Sandemos are not a problem to Cerpine, often because they do not venture into water. Cerpine are not very fond of water, so a water dwelling mob rarely poses a threat. No Cerpine deaths have occurred from these creatures, though there is a rumor that one Cerpine got it's leg taken off by a sandemos. EQUIGRIFF Seen as the steeds of Dragoknights. Dangerous at close range, but only if bothered. Many Cerpine have taken a liking to them. PYROSAURS Documented as a dangerous species. Most Cerpine prefer to leave them to professionals or idiots. POPTOPS Thanks to the Cerpine's metal suit, young Poptops are just an annoyance to the Cerpine. However, not a day goes by where a hospital has to deal with a Poptop related tail injury. VIRORB Cerpine find virorbs to be less hazardous due to the handy scales on a Cerpine. This gives the Virorb less to hold onto. Also, because the Cerpine have more vertebrae in their neck, they can shake their head far more vigorously, causing the virorb to fly off them. MINDWURMS Cerpine HATE mindwurms. They eat away at their data, and are a horrible pest in large groups. One group of mindwurms are incredibly difficult to remove, so the Cerpine invented a trap to take care of them. A computer is loaded with pointless data. Usually random algorithms or dictonaries in multiple languages. When the computer senses data removal, it relases a toxic gas, that kills the mindwurm. BAD MOON All bad moons are incapacitated and terminated by a multitude of Cerpine on sight. CEPHANTOMS Cephantoms have never directly attacked an Open spaceship, but the Cerpine have heard rumors about their attacks. One Closed Basilisk-class spaceship survived a Cephantom encounter by firing it's iconic laser, greatly wounding it and causing it to flee. The encounter was later used in Closed propaganda, marking the Cephantom as a demon. WURMHULLS Wurmhulls are as much as a pain to Cerpine as they are to any other race. There have been attempts to study wurmhulls for teleportation and space/time purposes, but this has been difficult due to their unpredictable nature. Recently, there has been a theory going around that Cha'ess was actually a MASSIVE wurmhull or a creature related to it. Who Are The Cerpine? The Cerpine are sentient snake beings that use metal suits that give them arms and legs. They enjoy engineering, and are the creators of some of the galaxy's finest mechs and mechanical equipment. They hail from the desert planet of Kha'an, which is under the control of their enemies, the Closed. History Of The Cerpine In the beginning, Cha'ess, the sky, created the sand that now stands beneath the iron foot of the Closed. But before that, there were good Cerpine as well. The sand was their home for as long as any of them could remember. Slowly, and ever so slowly, they built their civilization under the name of Cha'ess, the only thing that they remember from the beginning of time. With Cha'ess as their leader, there were no wars, no uprisings, and very few killings were from each other. However, in the latter years, High Priests were the equivalents of kings. There came corruption, greed, and murder beyond everything ever seen before. It was only a matter of time. Over their home planet, Kha'an, There was a horrible space battle. Ships and rubble fell from the sky, and into the endless waves of sand. The priests take the technology into their temples and study it. They realize that this technology can be used, to bring them untold power. After weeks of studying the wreckage, they announce that the technology is the bones of Cha'ess, for he has died. They also announce that this was Cha'ess's final gift to them, for the horrors of the underworld were to descend upon them. They also say that only chosen Cerpine are to use his bones, for those ungifted may misuse them. After a few years of this, certain Cerpine believe that these technological wonders were not the bones of Cha'ess, and that he is still alive, and watches over them all. They oppose the priests, and a war starts. The two groups, The Open, and the closed, fight each other for three months. The open have a symbol of a diamond, with another diamond inside of it. This represents the eye of Cha'ess, as awake and watching over them. The closed have a symbol of a diamond, but it has a horizontal line running across it. This represents the eye of Cha'ess, as dead. Because the priests had access to most of the technology, the war ended poorly for the open, and they fled to the barrens of the desert. The years went on, and the priests developed great technologies, such as lasers and vehicles. The greatest invention was the solution to the problem that all snakes possess. The fact that they do not have limbs. A mechanical suit that allowed them to use robotic arms and legs, allowing for advancement in building and development to increase by 700 percent! The Closed built spaceships, and traveled to other planets, and decimated them, believing the inhabitants to be demons. It was not long before the open, whose number had increased, due to more and more snakes not believing the priests, stole a group of spaceships, and fled their beloved planet. As they traveled, they came across more and more planets and creatures, and eventually came across the united people. (Playable races) They were kind, and took in the rebels. They taught the rebels about the technology, and with time, they became master craftsmen and mechanics. They travel the universe, searching for any other Cerpine that may have realized the truth, and left the warpath of The Closed. -SEVERAL YEARS LATER- It is the time when Starbound occurs. The Open have grown strong, and they no longer need the support of other races. They have great machines and cities, spanning across a multitude of planets. Time and time again, however, they have come across the Closed, and clashed often. As the Open grew, the Closed fell deeper and deeper into horrible corruption. The Closed preists had done all that they can to keep the remaining Cerpine in their grasp. The leader of the closed was elected. A High Priest, known as Ver'Ko Aj, sent out enormous battle ships to rend country sides of other planets in half. Under his rule, over 4,000 species became extinct every day, 4 of which were sentient. The original solders still fight with him, fueled by religion, and mercenaries fight with him, fueled by an endless river of money. A system was put in place. Those who favored and supported the Closed, were often rewarded with machinery. The smart Cerpine did whatever the preists wanated, ensuring a life of luxury. Those who were not as inteligent often fell for the propaganda that was displayed. A Closed propaganda poster, showing the Open as demons. Anyone else was a minority, and either kept quiet, or were delt with. But now, due to problems arising within the public, it is rumored that the Closed are at the end of their rope. However, should the rumors be false, then it will still be a long time before they stop setting planets ablaze. And should they be true, then there's no telling what people so desprate will do. The story did not end when the rebels escaped from Kha'an, and the story still continues in the events of Starbound. After their escape, the onslaught continued. The leader of the closed was elected. A High Priest, known as Ver'Ko Aj, sent out enormous battle ships to rend country sides of other planets in half. Under his rule, over 4,000 species became extinct every day, 4 of which were sentient. The original solders still fight with him, fueled by religion, and mercenaries fight with him, fueled by an endless river of money. Lifestyle A Cerpine with a lantern. Cerpine are master engineers, and are incredibly smart. However, they still put religion and honor first in their life, so you are sure to get quality goods from a Cerpine. The Cerpine follow the leadership of a council of people. One wise old Cerpine, one Corporate Business leader, one Young adult, one that once lived in poverty, one ingenious scientist, on military leader, and one child, under the age of ten. These Cerpine gather together every day to try and solve the problems in the universe. Cerpine often will live together in large cities made of metal. The buildings are often connected, making the entire city appear as one large mechanical machine, which it often is. Houses are usually within the metal monster, and big money is spent for the ones with windows. The Cerpine follow an apprenticeship way of education up until they turn the age of 10. Then they will leave their hometown and go to a community education facility. This place will teach The Cerpine about every other profession that the universe has to offer. Finally, on their 20th birthday, they leave the school and start their own life, starting with a reunion party with all their family and friends that lasts three days. A Cerpine engineer, quite literaly. Cerpine will often either become engineers, or Adventurers, searching for the meaning of their religion. They live up to an average of 170 years. The Cerpine beleive in Cha' ess, the sky. The only description of him is as follows: "All things of this world have an end. A start and a finish. The sky we see has an end, for when the demons of the dark raze the world with fire and destruction, then the sky will burn, and will be no more. But Cha'ess is not of this world. He is of all worlds, Light, Dark, and empty. Thus, he has a begining, but no end." Personality The Cerpine can be a temperamental and stubborn species, but they are friendly, and do have a sense of humor. They do not like people who act careless and reckless, and they find crude jokers, and careless daredevils to be the scum of the stars. Though not cold to people on first encounter, they can very quickly lash out at someone who consistently pesters them, Sometimes ending in a bite. This can end not so well for those stupid enough to annoy a Cerpine with venom in its fangs. The one thing you should NEVER do however is bring up religion. It's an INCREDIBLY touchy subject. If you aren’t careful, you could get quite more than just a few bites, or worse, they may resort to using their razor sharp metal claws, or even their weapon. A Cerpine, in a frenzy, fighting a Darkbound. Cerpine aren’t all bad though, if you happen to be nice to them, they'll turn out to be even nicer to you. They are generous, hard-working, and put every amount of effort into everything they do. Kha'ahn Landscape Kha'ahn is a desert planet of mostly sand and rock. Large mountains protrude the sand like an arrow through flesh. Where ther is more sand than rock, giant canyons span as far as the eye can see. In places where water lies, you will almost ALWAYS find some kind of Cerpine construction, as in the time before space travel, water was more valuble than gold. (Gold was abundant!) Fauna SOLARAPTOR The mighty solaraptor used to hunt down Cerpine, but now the tables have turned, and the Cerpine hunted it instead. The Closed took some of these on their warships, and over the years, they have spread to other planets. They thrive on Forest and Jungle planets, as well as desert planets. STRAINER The severbra, or the strainer, is a grim creature. A mollusk that thrives on blood, it is thought to be a distant reletive of the Bylon. It hides in sand, and waits for years for something to shed blood on it's spikes. The blood drips down through the sand, and into the shell, where the strainer drinks it. LESSER EVERAREN Lil' weasel fox guy with four ears. Often hunted by Cerpine and solaraptors. Gameplay Sprites These sprites contain a tail, and a slightly shorter head. The rules say that the head cannot go OUTSIDE the head, and they should still easily look good wearing headgear. I plan to have the tail work like hair, as it will not be affected by clothing. Cerpine talking animation. Cerpine falling animation. Cerpine sleeping animation. ITEMS Cerpine can drop or sell almost any item, but they have a higher chance of dropping or selling mechanical parts, ingredients for machines, metal blocks and ores, mech pieces, guns, tech, and armor, along with the Cerpine specific items below. (Left to right) Serpentine: Valuble stone that is used in machines and Veno. Vorpal Extract: Used to increace Crit chance in certain guns. Made of a special liquid created in Cerpine labs. Mechinum Coating: Used to increace the defense of a mech. Impacting Reloader: Gun part. Bullets fire at a slower rate, but pierce armor. Servanium: Strong, Supple metal. Used in crafting. Technical Wrench: Has more reach and faster disassembly time than a regular wrench. Meat-bar: Freeze-dried Cerpine rations. Heals 8 life, but needs 3 seconds to use. Venoberries: Ingredient in Veno. Veno: Powerful injection made of Serpentine and Venoberries. Heals you when you deal damage. Token of the Eye: A special golden trinket. Cerpine cloning animation. Tier 1: Armor Light source Tier 2: Slightly stronger armor than the last tier. Light source The power to not require a simple workbench while crafting. Tier 3: Slightly stronger armor than the last tier. Light source The power to not require a simple workbench while crafting. Tier 4: Slightly stronger armor than the last tier. Light source The power to not require a simple workbench while crafting. 5% extra power. Tier 5: Slightly stronger armor than the last tier. Good light source The power to not require a simple workbench while crafting. 10% extra power. Tier 6: Moderately stronger armor than the last tier. Good light source The power to not require a second tier workbench while crafting. 15% extra power. Big protection from poison and acid. Tier 7: Moderately stronger armor than the last tier. Strong light source The power to not require a second tier workbench while crafting. 20% extra power. Big protection from poison and acid. Small protection from electricity. Tier 8: Moderately stronger armor than the last tier. Powerful light source The power to not require a third tier workbench while crafting. 25% extra power. Big protection from poison and acid. Small protection from electricity. (Immunity to hot tempertures, if that option is enabled) Tier 9: Generously stronger armor than the last tier. Powerful light source The power to not require a fourth tier workbench while crafting. 30% extra power. Immunity to poison and acid. Moderate protection from electricity. (Immunity to hot tempertures, if that option is enabled) +10% Movement speed +10% Jump height Machines you place are 10% faster. Tier 10: Generously stronger armor than the last tier. Powerful (blue) light source The power to not require a fourth tier workbench while crafting. 35% extra power. Immunity to poison and acid. Good protection from electricity. (Immunity to hot tempertures, if that option is enabled) +17% Movement speed +17% Jump height Machines you place are 17% faster. Trail armor effect. Power regens slightly faster when near electrical things. Keep in mind, this is not balanced in the least, and I may come up with some other powers later. Buildings The tile and placables for Cerpine An example house Crops and Food Left to right, Cantapple, Duneshroom and Shockroot. CANTAPPLE The cantapple has a texture like raw pumpkin, and tastes like cantaloupe. It grows near oases, and were a common item for travelers to bring with them on long journeys. DUNESHROOM The duneshroom tastes like a portabella mushroom, only sweeter, more rubbery, and with a flavor that resembles honey. This Mushroom is highly toxic when mixed with Serpentine, so be careful. It lives up to it's name, and grows best on the side of large sand dunes. SHOCKROOT The outer portion of the root is potato-like in texture, and tastes like rye. The center is incredibly sour, giving it the name shockroot. It grows in dry soil. NON-NATIVE FOOD Cerpine enjoy a great amount of food from other parts of the universe, because their planet was so devoid of life. In particular, they enjoy watermelon, prickly pear, eggplant and mushrooms as crops. They also really enjoy Pop-top Tarts™. Weapons The Synch, a Cerpine weapon that grabs and throws opponents. The Improvisation, A hand weapon that electrocutes the enemy. The Impacter, A large Cerpine gun. Cold-Blood, A nasty Cerpine sawblade sword. Bosses So you finally made it into a Closed stronghold. Well done. Fighting your way into the place was not easy. The closed left you battered with their tail-flails, and bleeding with their chakrams, not to mention the numbing feeling in your arm where one BIT you. However, you're due for a break. I mean, the leader is a PRIeST for crying out loud. What's he going to do, lecture you to death? Beat you with a bottle of holy water? Nope. He's going to send 50,000 volts of electricity coursing through your frail little body. CERPINE PRIEST HP: 1700 Speed: Medium, but hardly moves. Attacks: Summons Closed warriors to attack you Activates his sheild Summons a lightning bolt from the sky Strategy: He'll keep summoning mobs to assist him, then quickly switch to his sheild to prevent damage. Bombs and slow moving weapons are not advised to be used here as he will most likely have his sheild back up by the time they reach him. Also, every so often, he'll fire a lightning bolt at a target player. The lightning bolt will give the mobs it hits a buff, which increaces their speed and attack, so try to keep them spread across the room and not in large clumps. Once he reaches 500 health, he'll forget the sheild and start spamming mobs and lightning like crazy. Kill him quickly before you are overrun. Vehicles The standard Cerpine mech, the Gaurdian, is good for all around combat, but not for mobility. On it's own, it's force to be reckoned with. But in a group of 2 or 3, it gets even stronger because it has someone to watch it's back. HP: 9,000 Speed: Faster than on foot Attacks: Bullet Barrage Lazor Fire ze Missiles! Cost: Well, because we have no idea how much pixels are worth, we'll just have to wait and see. It's not SUPER expensive, though. The Vim is a large battleship type created by the Open. It contains several weapons, but the most notable is the Frontal Splicing Ram (FSR). The FSR is located at the front of the battleship, and is designed to cut straight through the enemy hull. The Vim charges the enemy ship, and the side weights swing forward, making thr front of the ship extremely heavy. This momentum causes the FSR to hit the opposing ship harder, making it more likely that the opponent will be unable to recover. In the game, Vim is a structure, and a freindly dungeon. It can be found in large ocean biomes. (Sorry guys! There's NO way I'm gonna sprite this thing!) Art Gallery I'm gonna update this from time to time, so keep watch! Relationships with other beings NOTE: These entries are not canon, and are simply here for flavor. All suggestions below belong to their respectable owners. ALSO NOTE: These relations apply to the Open only. DARKBOUND The Cerpine hate the Darkbound, finding them to be primal and malicious beings. Some Cerpine devote their entire life to fighting this threat. The Darkbound on the other hand, couldn't care less what the Cerpine think of them. Or any race, for that matter. GILLIAN Though the Gillians are not very advanced creatures, The Cerpine are good freinds with them due to their kind and befreindable nature. The Gillians provide the Cerpine with minerals often found underwater, and the Cerpine in return provide them with whatever they need. GLUNAUGHT Because of the Glunaught's greed and obsession with crystals, the Cerpine don't think too fondly of them. Nevertheless, they still trade with them, but that dosn't stop fight breaking out in the streets, or from there being intense and somtimes fatal rivalry. POPTOPS Thanks to the Cerpine's metal suit, young Poptops are just an annoyance to the Cerpine. However, not a day goes by where a hospital has to deal with a Poptop related tail injury. VIRORB Cerpine find virorbs to be less hazardous due to the handy scales on a Cerpine. This gives the Virorb less to hold onto. Also, because the Cerpine have more vertebrae in their neck, they can shake their head far more vigorously, causing the virorb to fly off them. MINDWURMS Cerpine HATE mindwurms. They eat away at their data, and are a horrible pest in large groups. One group of mindwurms are incredibly difficult to remove, so the Cerpine invented a trap to take care of them. A computer is loaded with pointless data. Usually random algorithms or dictonaries in multiple languages. When the computer senses data removal, it relases a toxic gas, that kills the mindwurm. BAD MOON All bad moons are incapacitated and terminated by a multitude of Cerpine on sight. NYATINESE Cats and snakes don't have much in common on earth other than they're both silent carnivores, but here, the Cerpine and the Nyatinese are good freinds. The Nyatinese are respectable, smart, clean and honest. Just what a Cerpine sees makes a good freind. Trade with these Cat people is essential to the Cerpine, as battling the Terrors of the universe is not easy when you're thrown into the fray. DRAGOKNIGHTS For the time being, the two are not at war because of the Dragoknight's honor, which states that they would not strike down a foe weaker than themselves. Because the Cerpine are already at war with two strong opponents, they see waging war against them as an act of dishonor. Thus, the Cerpine are safe from them. However, if the Open survive these dark times, then they could easily lead to even darker times, as not much is known about the Dragoknights. Nevertheless, The Cerpine are thankful for the Dragoknight's kind, yet insane nature. UMBRASTELLANS The Cerpine know of the umbrastellans, but treat them scientificly the same. What they don't know won't hurt them. They've got quite enough trying to hurt them already. LIBERI The Cerpine are good freinds with the Liberi. Though the Liberi's technology is more advanced, the Cerpine's tech is higher quality. Plans are in progress to share each other's techniques, which will result in the best technology in the galaxy. If the Cerpine can survive that long, that is. AVIANS The Avians, being a more primitive race, do not function with the Cerpine as a Civilization. Avians that have left their race vary on a case by case basis. These Avians range anywhere from unwelcome in all Cerpine establishments, to working in the very core of Cerpine society. APEX Big ape sees all. If that were true, then the Cerpine and the Apex would be at war right now, which is somthing that the Cerpine could not afford. Apex may be smart, but they are no mach for the cleverness of the Cerpine. They have been feeding supplies to the group of rebels, as it is in their belief that they should be free. Once the reveloution starts, the big monkeys on top won't know what hit them. VEXEN Vexen, vexen, vexen... You enslaved races, and for the Cerpine that is unacceptable. Your acts will never be forgotten, and now the races of the stars look down on you. As they are no longer a civilization of their own, there is no large-scale buissness with the Vexen, and because their ways vary so much, it's not even a matter of hate for each other. When they cross paths, they just look at each other sadly and continue on their way. FLORANS The Cerpine stay away from them for the most part. The Florans usually keep away from Cerpine as well, due to a few reasons. 1. They fight back. 2. They have very little meat. 3. They have a habit of escaping their snares and nets. The Cerpine don't even acknowledge the Florans as a proper civilization. Just a roaming bunch of monsters. PARFILIANS With so much in common, what is there to hate? Well, truth be told, though the Cerpine are on better terms with these little cats than with any other race, it's not without troubles. The Cerpine wish to find out just what it is that allows the Parfilians to live longer, and the Parfilians refuse to share any information with them. Apart from that, though, they seem to get along just fine. MONOPHYTES It's like looking into a mirror, and seeing your equal. In... a cultural sense, that is. They are a rare sight in Cerpine settlements and cities, and usually only stay for a few days, before continuing on their way. The Cerpine are fearful of these creatures, and don't like having them around for long. They arn't aggressive toward the Monophytes, they just don't like them around. Or at least, they say that they don't. Some Cerpine have admitted that, in reality, they are curious about these creatures and really like them.They admit that though they shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, it's easier said than done. GLITCH Glitch, unlike Monophytes, are a common sight to the Cerpine. They were one of the groups that helped the Cerpine rebels the most when they escaped Kha'ahn. The "Broken" ones that is. The persecuting majority are aggressive toward Cerpine. For the most part, Cerpine and Glitch are compatible, though, despite the Glitch's best efforts, the Cerpine never really grew fond of oil mead, and this lead to some nasty fights at times. There's one in every family. No matter how good you are with a group as a whole, there's always THEM. You know, robbers, thugs, psychos... The usual. Here's how the Cerpine fight the THEM of some different races. Dragoknights: Battle rarity: Uncommon Threat to Cerpine: Below average To take care of a Dragoknight, ranged weapons are the IDEAL choice. While a Dragonkight with a gun is not unheard of, they will often prefer to use a melee weapon whenever they can. Aim for the head or the foot, then rapidly fire, and finish it off. Gillians: Battle rarity: Very Rare Threat to Cerpine: Low Gillans are not the best of fighters, though not threatless in the least. Make sure that you draw the Gillian away from water, preferably toward a high ledge or a hill. It'll tire out, making it easy to kill. Also, Try to avoid meleeing with metal weapons. Gillan equipment tends to be electrified. Nyatinese: Battle rarity: Rare Threat to Cerpine: High Nyatinese are very advanced creatures, so fighting them is difficult. If you have one, use a laser. Nyatinese seem to be weak to lasers, even chasing your bullets at times. Your best bet is to play dirty, and hit the kitty while it's not looking. Parfelians: Battle rarity: Rare Threat to Cerpine: Average Parfelians may have less advanced tech than you, but they can still pack a real punch. They seem to enjoy using guns, so get close if you can, and do it carefully. When attacking, don't aim for the windsheild, but instead aim for the back of the head, where the important machines are stored. Plus, the windsheild is made of compressed smelted retinium, which sounds hard to destroy. We could be wrong, but we don't use retinium so we don't know. Glunaughts: Battle rarity: Average Threat to Cerpine: Average Glunaughts are very low on weaknesses. However, they do have one. Their agility is quite low due to their size and stature. Despite their shell, aim for the back. It's often the least gaurded area, and your weapons should be able to cut through bone. Cerpine Battle rarity: Uncommon Threat to Cerpine: High When facing another Cerpine, you can't do much to give you an edge. If you wish to live, stay your distance and move around a lot. Your head is difficult to hit with a gun. Long blades will get you killed if you're not careful. Quick thinking and quick dodging will get you ahead in this fight, and not much else. Signitures A wonderful sig to use by Hong Meling! Music Kha'ahn Exploration Vicious Serenade: Cerpine Priest Battle
Art goes here! By the legendari Blind Snipah By Argnymiffun? By Derthbrigger By Devast0r By Sukia Ibkui By Cyan the Vermilion By Sega By Andray Kent By Blutaka the 316th By Velcro rot-gut
Wow, you put a lot of effort into this. Great job. The history/customs were really interesting to read. I especially like the bonuses/not-bonuses that you thought up for playing as them. Although I don't know if there will be pros and cons in game, I like that you still added in some possible ones. Great job, and I hope you can come up with more
Sorry, I asummed everyone knew what they were by now.
Great idea Darthkitten. I always support lizard and reptiles and snakes AND these guys are kinda-sorta cyborgs too! Thumbs up man!
This ideal is too silly (and yet oddly appealing!) not to enjoy. Also harkens back to Earthworm Jim for a bit. I like and support this.
Oh these came out so great! and I like the relationship Glunaughts have with them, shows that everything cant be pretty pretty rainbow glitters. Also a good point to develop stories.