PLEASE can anyone help make a mermaid race i tried to start making one but dont know how to make effective into the game please make this possible!!
First and foremost, the climbing animations aren't used in the game do don't waste your time with them. I love what you have so far. I am guessing you are having trouble with the rest of the animations. There is a champion in League of Legends called Nami. Check out her run animations.
Thanks for responding and letting me know there’s no climbing animation.. I just simply don’t know what I am doing and wouldn’t know how to place this into effect as a race and figured someone who knows how could take this as an idea or example and make it happen.
Just keep making them sprites for now. When you've finished the spriting, go check out DrPvtSkittles' race template and try sticking your sprite in a copy, see if it works. My handy dandy guide to making your own race.
Ugh, I’ve been itching to craft a mermaid race for a few years now. If you run outta steam let me know. I’d be happy to pick up the reigns with the idea ^_^
Is there any way i can just send the file to someone who knows what they are doing because i dont have aclue and they can take all the credit i just want to play as a mermaid~~
Thesirenkind reached out to me personally and requested I make this mod. I am still in the early days, but I do have the walking, running, swimming etc sprites done. Pet done, ship mostly done, some custom hairs. Released! Any further questions can be directed to the discussions tab.