"--- -.- / .-- .- - / . ...- . -. / .- -. -.. / .-- .... -.--" (Ok i know the miniknog does some weird shit but i never expected something like this) Ryana pinches herself to make sure that is actually real.
Well, you didn't wake up from a dream, so you guess it is real. "Same old same old. Patrol the city. Make sure everything is "orderly" or whatever." He replies. "Hopefully some action happens today. I don't really care what it may be."
".. / -.. ..- -. / . ...- . -. / -. --- / - / - .... .. ... / .--. --- .. -. " (I dont even know at this point)
She takes the codec back and puts it away, "Mhm, thanks." She then looks for a mirror or window to see her reflection in.
Dusty snapped to attention as the woman started to shout up at him. Since she had spotted him, there wasn't much more he could do. He swings his legs back onto the roof of the building, then stands up. From her point of view, the mysterious man seems to have disappeared. That changes in the next moment, as Dusty leaps off of the roof and rolls into his landing next to the woman.
"- .... .- - ... / ... --- -- . / ... .... .. - / -- .- -. --." (I dont even do that shit and i infiltrated the miniknog twice) Does anyone know where to buy better memeware for my brain
< NARROW FAIL > < -2 HP > You scrape your shoulder a bit on your roll. It stung a little bit, but if you shrug it off well enough, maybe no one will notice.
Bevery took a deep breath as the man seemed like he was going to come down. Her heart immediately went back into her throat as she saw which way he WAS coming down. She yelled at this, shaking her hands and waving her hands to try and stop him from actually doing it- but alas, she was pleading for a lost cause. Her hands clamped over her eyes as she could bring herself to watch the man descend from the building.
"Uh. Like your enthusiasm kid, but try not to scare the civilians, 'ight? This city sees about as much action as those midnight nerds." He chuckles a bit. You think he is regarding the S.A.M when saying, midnight nerd. You find a mirror nearby, just a bit away from the cashier. A window is also an option, as it is right next to the exit anyways.
Myrria wraps the bandanna around her face and pulls up the hoodie. She admires the new clothes she's bought in the mirror for a second before beginning to take them off as she leaves the store. As she leaves, she puts the hoodie and bandanna in her bag for later use.
".--- ... .--- / -- .- -. --. --..-- / - .... .- - ... / ... --- -- / -.-. .-. --.. -.-- / ... .... .. -" (JEBUS WHAT AND WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT.)
After walking out, you seem to see a bit of a commotion starting to happen; people are gathering up and looking at something that you can't quite see. "Don't worry, bout it." He continues walking along the street before a bit of an argument starts between two people and it looks like they might start fighting, a floran and avail. He stops to look at it. "Oh boy. Can only wonder what this is about..." Jeffery states as he starts walking over. There's a bit of a crowd starting to form. Wait a minute... the avail; they have a strikingly similar brand on their arm... < PERCEPTION SUCCESS > The dark-red crescent moon and gun tattooed on his arm. That's definitely a Crimson Eclipse member and Jeffery seems way too nonchalant about it if he knew this!
Myrria raises an eyebrow at the crowd beginning to form, "The hell's going on here..?" She mutters to herself. She begins to push through people to get to the front and get a better view of what's going on.
Jeffery looks back at Tachyon when he nudges him, but they are very close to the fray now, so he speaks assertively and loudly, "Alright, you two! Break it up! Everyone else, get back to what you we-!" A plasma gunshot loudly reverberates and cuts him off, followed by people panicking, screaming, and running, and by the looks of it, the avail has just shot the floran in the head with a concealed weapon in their sleeve. A few of the pedestrians run into both you and Jeffery, making it a little difficult for him to pull out his shotgun on his back. A loud gunshot is heard amongst the crowd, then screaming as they all quickly start to shove and run to leave as quickly as possible, some pushing against you. The shooter, an avail, you can immediately tell by their mark on their arm that they are apart of the Crimson. You also see two Amalga soldiers, and you can clearly see one of them trying to pull out a weapon as well.
Tachyon pulls out his ion rifle, he uses a small jump jet to launch himself up while providing cover for Jeffery using his hardlight generator if he can " Stand down! "
Dusty shrugs off the pain. It means little to him, seeing as leaps like that were nothing to him anymore. He stands up from the ground, reaching his full height and down at the cowering woman. Unsure about whether or not she was afraid of him or his action, Dusty tries to look stern as he speaks. "I guess it was dangerous up there. But it might be dangerous down here too. Who are you?"