Modding Discussion Migrating XNB mods to Content Patcher packs

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Pathoschild, Mar 5, 2018.

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  1. SamelaG

    SamelaG Void-Bound Voyager

    So I just found this mod last night and really wanted to try it but wasn't sure how .xnb files worked, then I found out how Content Patcher worked and decided to try my hand. I was looking at newer comments to see what advice I'd find and stumbled across your comment! Let me know how well it works, there's no errors but I haven't fully tested it yet. I'll update this comment when I do.

    Edit: Finally got 10 hearts on my test game and the event didn't trigger. I followed what Immersive Shane did and added the event to the content file removing the BusStop.json file. Re-setting the day triggered the right event, also fixed the original's bug of triggering after talking with Shane (around 6:30 am) so it triggers at the right time.

    The OC of the mod is allowed to take this file and upload it on their official page if they wish. You may PM me to have the unofficial port removed if you wish.

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      Last edited: Apr 30, 2020
    • Asianbiz

      Asianbiz Tentacle Wrangler

    • H4rrisH4wk

      H4rrisH4wk Void-Bound Voyager

    • Moragaine

      Moragaine Existential Complex

    • Fqte_

      Fqte_ Void-Bound Voyager

      I've made two mods recently, one called Penny as Alex from Minecraft and Emily grows her hair out I made a few other before, but these are the first i have tried to convert to a CP. I kind of did it, but apparently i messed up the manifests in some way. Is there anyone who'd be willing to take a look at the manifests and see what i did wrong? I have them set to Hidden on Nexus since they're broken, i'll attach the file if anyone's interested.

      EDIT: i actually fixed both of them eventually, so nevermind :/ but if you're interested in long haired emily or hair down penny, check out the links above.
        Last edited: May 8, 2020
      • H4rrisH4wk

        H4rrisH4wk Void-Bound Voyager

        Did not notice that - feel like a fool - Thank you very very much.
        • Moragaine

          Moragaine Existential Complex

          Don't worry about it - it's a new spin-off, since Elliot has sooooo many portraits.
          • Huppuph

            Huppuph Yeah, You!

          • xinmure

            xinmure Intergalactic Tourist

            can anybody convert sebastian dialogue xnb to content patcher??
            • aspencurrie

              aspencurrie Intergalactic Tourist

            • Moonlake

              Moonlake Big Damn Hero

            • broccolihead

              broccolihead Void-Bound Voyager

              I still cant find a content patcher version of this excellent mod, does anyone have a conversion yet?
              • grapefruitcult

                grapefruitcult Intergalactic Tourist

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                Medicell likes this.
              • Lokolouk

                Lokolouk Void-Bound Voyager

              • BunnyX

                BunnyX Aquatic Astronaut

              • Dudamesh

                Dudamesh Void-Bound Voyager

              • BunnyX

                BunnyX Aquatic Astronaut

              • angelyuki

                angelyuki Big Damn Hero

              • cat9412

                cat9412 Phantasmal Quasar

                @xinmure you mean this?

                @Lokolouk hope this helps ^^

                @Dudamesh scroll to the bottom of files, there was an update today :D

                @BunnyX Looks like they already did :3

                And heres White-Grey Bee houses <3

                @Moonlake Get Glam can't do shirts/pants atm ^^" They can only be added by replacing original shirts or adding them as items using JsonAssets here is an already done CP conversion if you are interested :D

                @aspencurrie just for you :D <3

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                  Last edited: Jul 6, 2020
                  Medicell likes this.
                • BunnyX

                  BunnyX Aquatic Astronaut

                  Thank you very much!
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