RELEASED Minakie's Mods

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Minakie, Nov 5, 2016.


Which running up/down animation do you prefer? (pick 1 up and 1 down pls)

  1. Running down - vanilla shadow

  2. Running down - expanding shadow

  3. Running up - vanilla shadow

  4. Running up - expanding shadow

  5. Running up - vanilla shadow + shadow matching the running down

  6. Running up - expanding shadow + shadow matching the running down

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Minakie

    Minakie Cosmic Narwhal

    Several websites are stealing our mods and uploading them on their website without permission! If you see my mods anywhere other than Nexus or Moddrop, please link me to the site asap. Thank you.​

    While I mess around with other people's mods for my own personal use, I will never share with the public an edit of a mod that doesn't have explicit editing permission from its maker. If a mod doesn't have explicit permission for anyone to edit and you find an edit/recolor of it here, it's because I have asked for the creator's consent via PM and got their blessing.

    Possible other mods:
    - babies/toddlers?
    - birds
    - buildings
    - clothes/hats/accessories?
    - furniture?
    - gold clock retexture
    - livestock animals
    - pets?

    Minakie's Dressers


    > Download on Nexus < or > Download on Moddrop <

    These Dressers are recolors of the (now outdated) Get Dressed mod. You can still use them with Customize Anywhere or with Get Glam, which are still updated.

    The dressers come in two different models (Floor or Wall) and each dresser has 11 recolors (beige, birch, black, chocolate, modern, mahogany, oak, silver, vanilla (GetDressed original), walnut, and white).
    With the update to CP, you can also customize which accessories you want in your dresser (if any), allowing you to mix and match the colors. You can have objects on the Floor dressers and a butterfly on the Wall dressers.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    House Remodel - Interior Design
    > Download on Nexus < or > Download on Moddrop <

    This mod includes a Chocolate and a Beige kitchen recolor, recolors of the single and double bed and crib (frames and beddings), crib toys, several variants of the column, a white fireplace recolor and fireplace addons (decor, cats and birds).
    With the CP conversion, all the elements can now be turned on/off in the Config file, to allow for better compatibility with other mods that edit the Farmhouse interior.

    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Real Life Horses

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    > Download on Nexus < or > Download on Moddrop <

    Some horses based on real-life horse breeds (American Cream Draft, Andalusian, Buckskin, Icelandic, Shire) using a base that is a slightly redesigned version of Kitana's Bigger Draft Horse Model with Avalitor's Redesigned Horse Running Animation.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Chicken Overhaul


    > Download on Nexus < or > Download on Moddrop <

    Just a recolor of some Crucifigo'a free to use livestock bases I found.
    You can choose between the CP version (which allows you to turn on/off each of the colors in case you want to mix-n-match with chickens from other mods) or a version for Adopt N' Skin.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Pets Quality of Life


    > Download on Nexus < or > Download on Moddrop <

    This mod turns the farm pet's water bowl and Dusty's water bow into a water/food bowl so that they don't starve to death. It also gives Dusty a proper dog house instead of an old cardboard box, a rubber ball to play with and a fancier Dog sign.

    You can choose between a yellow or a red dog house and they both come with seasonal changes and optional seasonal addons (flower, fruit, leaf) that you can turn on/off to your liking in the Config file.

    Each of the 4 elements of this mod (farm bowl, Dusty bowl, Dusty house, dog sign) can be turned on/off at will in the config file, to prevent incompatibility issues with other mods that may change the same elements.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Minakie's Custom Furniture


    > Download on Nexus < or > Download on Moddrop <

    Adds some Custom Furniture to the game.
    Make sure to install all the required Mods and read the Disclaimer.


    Minakie's Recipes


    > Download on Nexus < or > Download on Moddrop <

    A [JA] mod to add more foods and recipes to the game.
    The complete list of foods can be found on each of the Downloads pages.


    You can leave a tip/donation via Paypal by clicking the tip jar above.
    These are 100% optional!

      Last edited: Feb 10, 2020
      Medicell, Flumme, zixi8722 and 13 others like this.
    • Minakie

      Minakie Cosmic Narwhal

      W.I.P. :
      Horse base


      I decided to go for a no-saddle version for a number of reasons: not everyone likes the saddle; I'd need to have several saddle recolors because I did some color testing and the vanilla one doesn't look as good in some of the other horse breeds; the saddle isn't really visible when you're riding the horse anyways.

      I used the Redesigned Horse Running Animation as base. For the side animation, I made the legs 1 pixel long and then made the neck 2 pixels higher. For the up/down animations I made the head/back 1 pixel higher and 2 pixels chubby, to mimic the Bigger Draft Horse Model and then tweaked it a bit to my liking (like making all the shadows move instead of just the one on the side view).

      However, I'm still not happy with how the shadows look to be honest. It look weird, as if the horse is getting fatter as it runs...

      The tail movement when the horse is eating is a bit exaggerated as well, since I used the tails I already had available. I'll also need to fix that.
        Last edited: Nov 5, 2016
        RoastedCoconutz, Zhuria and dollbae like this.
      • dollbae

        dollbae Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        Yes girl, I love your work so far. Also about the whole college thing, that's my biggest fear. I've been in college for roughly a collected 5 years, give or take a few semesters and haven't progressed due to change of major and "finding" myself academically. So basically next year I'm supposed to sit down with an counselor and try to find a major that I only need a few classes built ontop of what I've already taken. So basically, I'm thinking General Technology Degree. Anywho can't wait to see more of your work! Good luck!
        • Minakie

          Minakie Cosmic Narwhal


          [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

          Still didn’t manage to fix all the shadows (still running experiments) and I went back to the original Redesigned Horse Running Animation shadows for the time being.
          Also, I hadn't noticed so far that my image editor makes shadows brown when I export the file as .gif. It won't have that color in game.

          I did manage to tweak the tails (after doing dozens of different tails all day long) and manes a bit more though, as well as some stray pixels and stuff like that.
            Last edited: Nov 5, 2016
            dollbae likes this.
          • Minakie

            Minakie Cosmic Narwhal

            Running Down horse base​

            Another update, this time on the tail and shadow:
            I think I’m finally satisfied with the way the shadow is turning out. My only problem is knowing how I’ll manage to replicate something similar on the running up animation.
              Last edited: Nov 6, 2016
            • Minakie

              Minakie Cosmic Narwhal

              Running Up horse base


              Does the running up base match the running down base?

              • Minakie

                Minakie Cosmic Narwhal

                Current Status:
                All bases so far

                [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

                Does anyone else see something else that needs tweaking? I've been working on these for 4 days now. I think I'm getting to that point where the more I look at these the less I can see.
                • wert700

                  wert700 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  Well, if your looking for feedback, personal opinion, I don't like your most recent shadow changes. The running down shadow just makes the horse look fat, and running up one just looks like an extra dark outline around the legs, it doesn't look like a shadow to me. I liked how they were yesterday. Other than the shadow thing I really love your horse it's very cute.
                    dollbae likes this.
                  • Minakie

                    Minakie Cosmic Narwhal

                    Sideways running

                    Old version:

                    New version:

                    I never saw anyone else make a horse base where the horse blinked, but the static eye was starting to creep me out.
                      RoastedCoconutz and dollbae like this.
                    • Minakie

                      Minakie Cosmic Narwhal

                      Constructive feedback is always welcome and much appreciated. :)

                      Really? You think the new shadows make the horse fat? The reason I changed those shadows in the first place is I thought the old shadows made it look fat. xD

                      While the new shadows only follow the horse's movements (and are actually 1 pixel smaller than the original shadow, on each side), the old shadow was not only 2 pixels wider, but was also expanding and getting even bigger as the horse was running. But, like I said, the more I look at these the less I can see. It's good to have an outside perspective.

                      Here's a side-by-side comparison of both shadows:


                      And here's a side-by-side comparison of both the old shadow and a merge between both shadows:


                      Which of the horses looks fatter now? Still the one on the right?

                      One thing I noticed though, comparing the animation of the horse running down with the horse running up, is that the running down is rounder, you can actually see where the thighs are, but when the horse is running up, it's just a flat line. Not sure if I could add some extra shape or if it would just make it look weird.
                        Last edited: Nov 6, 2016
                        dollbae likes this.
                      • wert700

                        wert700 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                        Maybe like a combination of both. Like if you can make the shadow around the hips thinner and maybe not expand so much when moving.
                        I can't do gifs or anything but this is sorta of what i was thinking. [​IMG]
                          dollbae likes this.
                        • Minakie

                          Minakie Cosmic Narwhal

                          I was already working on combining both shadows when you were typing and this is what it ended looking like:


                          Which of the horses looks fatter now? Still the one on the right?

                          It's not exactly what you had in mind though, I might give your version a try tomorrow if I can.
                            dollbae likes this.
                          • eemie

                            eemie Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

                            I'd go with the left one! With transparant shadow :)
                            • eemie

                              eemie Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

                              Didn't you also make a really cute kitchen mod?
                              • Minakie

                                Minakie Cosmic Narwhal

                                The shadow color is just from my image editor. Every time I try saving the .png as .gif it changes the shadow color from light grey (default vanilla color) into dark brown. No idea how to fix it.

                                I did. That's one of the things I might not share though, since it also includes collages of content made by other people. I might post a screenshot on my Tumblr at some point and, if anyone is interested, I can send it on a PM or something.
                                • eemie

                                  eemie Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

                                  Ah right, you shared it with me one time but I lost it after switching computers :(
                                  • Minakie

                                    Minakie Cosmic Narwhal

                                    I think the version you had was this one: [​IMG]

                                    I'm using this one now: [​IMG] I stole the bookcase column and the stove and reverted the white bed back to wood because a) my house was suddenly too white b) I had nothing to match the beds in the kids room. xD The bottom stuff is from a mod.
                                      eemie likes this.
                                    • Minakie

                                      Minakie Cosmic Narwhal

                                      Maybe I'll end up making a kitchen mod inspired by my real kitchen. That way, I can actually add it to the list and share it.
                                      Ofc that might take a loong time since I still want to make 14763825 horses first and didn't even finish the base yet. xD
                                        Last edited: Nov 7, 2016
                                      • eemie

                                        eemie Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

                                        You should totally do that. We need way more kitchen mods.
                                          Pawserve likes this.
                                        • Pawserve

                                          Pawserve Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                          I agree. We do and yours is soooooooooooooooooo nice! If you dont mind I'd love it if you could send me a PM with it, I just love how you took bits and pieces and made your own version. I did the same .. I have a black/silver kitchen and bed set at the moment but like you, just edited in other peoples lovely work.

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