I know this is completely off-topic but I cannot post this anywhere else. My Minecraft just keeps crashing whenever I use mods, even just two mods. I unfortunately cannot see the crash report because the new launchers "show crash report" button is a complete failure. I can get onto minecraft with however many mods I want, but playing any world, including new ones or ones I have played ALOT in the past with the same mod, causes the game to say "Shutting down internal server..." and the game freezes. I have salvaged as much as I can from the crash. Here it is. Please send help. The game crashed whilst unexpected error Error: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException Version 1.7.10 Forge (New 2017 launcher) List of Mods (ALL MODS ARE 1.7.10, I CHECKED) -Galacticraft -Minepainter -Geochests -Shaders Mod -Carpenters Blocks -Headcrumbs -Ships mod -CustomNPCs -Helpful Villagers -SecurityCraft -Dr. Zharks Mo`creatures Mod -Excore -Malisiscore -exotic birds -Malisisdoors -Better Foilage -Galacticraft Planets -MicdoodleCore -Vehicular Movement -IChunUtil I swear the poll is a bug. DO NOT REPLAY TO ANY "ME"S UNDER THE "NOT ME" CHOICE.
sounds like a chunk is corrupted somewhere in the world.......hmmm you can try and see if running this python script and see if it resolves the problem, or at the very least give you more information on the problem MC-Regionfixer
The game doesnt crash when I go to a specific chunk, it just doesnt load the world in the first place.
How? I have used it before... reasoning please? (I will try it out though. It has been buggy in the past.) Unfortunately this is not the problem. I put all mods in exept the CustomNPCs mod and the game crashed upon entering any world including a new one. Sorry for not responding. I tried it without mods but still on forge and it crashed. I know that every version of "vanilla" Minecraft works perfectly with no lag, no crashes.
@Brockster17, please don't double- or triple- post. Use the edit button to expand posts, because stacking them together just makes a mess.