Minerals FROM Space...

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by Brady, May 2, 2012.


Should I attempt to make sprites for these things? (I'm not that good)

  1. Yes.

  2. No.

    0 vote(s)
  3. The pineapple has tricks up his sleeve.

  4. Pineapples don't have sleeves.

  1. Brady

    Brady Void-Bound Voyager

    I had an idea, some similar to ones already suggested, yet not quite what I was thinking.

    This would be the idea of minerals from space. As I have heard elsewhere, space exploration (Not moving from planet to planet, but a free-roam type thing) has not been implemented or thought through yet. So rather than having to fly up to space to find these special minerals, upon certain events, there is a % chance that a certain type of space rock will land on your planet. Now, seeing as how the items are supposed to get better as the game progresses, the quests and side quests will determine the possibility of an asteroid, comet, star, ect. from falling into the atmosphere. Now, considering how this would more than likely be on your home planet, the mineral source wouldn't be destructive, like in Terraria.

    Now the way to make one of these precious little stones or balls of gasses appear would be doing some task that you would do anyway, such as completing quests. Now, of course, you could always do this with a more menial and common task, such as identifying a plant or animal, but the percent chance would be much lower. Now for the ideas.

    The types of space rocks I was thinking are asteroids, comets, and fallen stars.

    The asteroids would be the most common, a basic resource from space. You could use it for various things, like being happy because you have a "space rock". You could even tame a rock and make it your pet, Rocky, the rock. But within this asteroid, or possibly ON it, could be various mineral buildups from flying past and through things in space. In the very center, there could be a core used for geothermal energy, to power energy weapons and such.

    Comets would be a semi-rare resource. They could be used in a couple different ways.
    The first way would be a geothermal source, much larger than the core of an asteroid. Sadly, using it in this way means removing most of the resource, leaving you with little to take home.
    The second way I figured this could be used would be much more dangerous. Using a mech or some protective suit, you could harvest large quantities of carbon. Carbon in turn could be used for various things.

    Last thing I thought of was the fallen star. The fallen star would be a lot like the comet, but the geothermal energy given off would be much larger. Also, a much more rare resource would be contained within. I don't know exactly what to make that, but hey, go crazy with ideas.

    Thanks for looking at my ideas. Any comments and suggestions are welcome, as long as we follow the forum rules. No space... Things... that I can't mention.
    Jimlad 42 likes this.
  2. OmniGeoff

    OmniGeoff Weight of the Sky

    Yes, I think it would be one of those "Random event" kind of things, yes? I can see all of that. Now to review your whole thread...
    In real life, Comets are space chunks of ice(water?) and rock. Some even may produce irradiating electromagnetic radiation. So probably more as a source of water and basic materials with few minerals.
    Fallen stars are another word for meteorites. But some do carry rare/precious minerals/metals and can harbor a heat source.
    Asteroids are chunks on metal/rock in space that have not impacted or are known to be going to impact any planets at a time.
    But yes this is an important idea! I agree with it!
  3. Kamoda

    Kamoda Sandwich Man

    You could have rare metals or materials in meteors that are needed to craft advanced technology, perhaps even something that is exclusive to meteors and can't be found in the ground. Also little alien fellows who come down with the meteor that try and protect their precious cargo, a bit like the meteor heads in terraria but not infinitely spawning and so fucking annoying.
    Brady likes this.
  4. Flan The Flan

    Flan The Flan Void-Bound Voyager

    If this idea is implemented, then I'll be able to literally "Ride On Shooting Star."
    *Mind blown*

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