I'm working under an assumption that the world gen is going to be at least somewhat based on how Terarria's worked given how the screenshots look and Tiy's involvement and how I'm sure he's got the support of the totally awesome Terarria gang. Based on that, I'd suggest having some ability/tool/feature to clear large amount of blocks at a faster rate for the purpose of tunneling. Blocks destroyed in this manner give no resources but one of the more tedious parts of Terarria was tunneling through all the dirt/rock to find another cave system. Given this game will have tons upon tons of worlds to explore, I think it would be good to have a tool to speed up the tunneling process. Here's a few suggestions on how this could work. - User clicks on a block and maybe assigns a direction (Up, left, down, right) That block and the blocks above and below it are destroyed. (Or if players are taller, make this stack about the height of a player so one click makes a stack high enough for a player to walk through) If the direction is down, the block left/right of the center are destroyed. This will let a player quickly make tunnels to get to the fun stuff quicker. The drawback and risk is liek I said, things destroyed like this generate no resources. The other suggestion is to tweak the world gen to make caves more interconnected so to explore just requires less digging overall, and digging is mostly used when you find resource pockets instead of for tunneling
-It'd be cool to have upgradeable mining probes or something. Floating robots with front-facing flashlights that follow your mouse around while you stand in an area; upgrades= able to go further from player, better flashlight, coordinate system, higher defense, a small ore pouch, tazer (like r2d2/Metal Gear MkII stuff) -Maybe gun-sprayable acid wash that disintegrate the blocks around you really quickly? -Your ship could have a drill function that, where it lands, sends a shaft of sorts straight down a ways -The Mechs could have drill arms and attachments and what-not Yes I am going to be using color from now on:d
I think, the whole mining and digging system will be a little more efficient than in Terraria or Minecraft, since we will probably have Drills, lasers, bombs, and stuff. But I hope, the devs wont overdo it! What I would really like to see, is following: You start with NOTHING! You have no idea of the cosmos, laserguns, or drills. It's like you're living in stoneage. You slowly start to chop trees, you build a shovel. You dig down some dirt and find stone. A pickaxe soon follows. It is not long until you find some iron. Using it, and some other materials, your first Drill is built. From here on it goes straight upwards. Your first computer, your first vehicle, your first high-developed base. At some point you manage to build a Space ship, and your journey begins! You discover new materials on new planets, and your equipment grows and grows. Now you have a huge space-station, with a lot of NPCs, and many interesting things! What I would NOT like to see: You start with an automatic-laser-drill. 5 mins later, you harvested the whole planet, and got everything you want. You fly off with your huge space-ship, and farm every planet you find. 2 hours later, the game ends.
Sorry for sinking your ship but you start as an advanced civilization under attack and start living on an old space station, not you're a caveman on a random planet.
NOTHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING! Besides, I guess starting out with an axe and stuff is kindof what Terraria is.
Oh trust me it won't! Plus even if you have tons of powerful technology you still won't be able to call threat level 100 planets easy, they're always hard!