I've been reading a lot of talk about people wanting to make spaceships for exploring and such, my idea kinda stemmed off that. If there is space combat and kinda free roam space exploration (Kinda think how Mass Effect does when your looking at the galaxy map) one thing i'd like to see is harvesting asteroids for minerals. I know back in the day with Star Wars Galaxies i loved mining asteroids using the mining lasers and such. Here's some kinda brief ideas in a summery: Mining Lasers - Different Effectiveness depending on laser (similar to pickaxes in Terraria, but possible not an all in one laser due to more sensitive materials being destroyed by a high powered one) Different type of minerals on different asteroids across the galaxy used for crafting better gear and supplies Possible artifacts inside asteroids as well for loot/quests? Possible enemies inside asteroids for an encounter?
not bad the idea, but maybe fot som mid/late gameplay, that will make the posibility fot new materials to craft mid tier equip, maybe sometimes one can fall on a planet and you can mine it yourself by hand
The asteroids hitting planets would be a good idea, would cause rare minerals to appear on the planet for mid level gear (kinda like terraria). What would be interesting as well is if you were on a planet near an asteroid belt so the frequency of the asteroids were more common, but also dangerous from possibility of getting squished.
cool ooo a falling star........ splat im sure they will add meteorites and things like that like terraria, but not sure they will add ships to mine them, maybe they add the posibilitie to land on asteroids too and you walk by them like if it was a normal planet but too small
I like that idea, get hands on and dig up directly on bigger asteroids themselves to get minerals, artifacts, etc (would probably be a tad easier to execute coding wise in game as well). would also give the possiblities to introduce space based equipment, having to construct a space suit so you have oxygen to breath, grav boots so you don't fly off into oblivion, etc.