Mobile blocks

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by Inferno_Draconis, Jun 10, 2012.


What do you think of this idea?

  1. Sounds like fun!

    13 vote(s)
  2. Interesting...

    5 vote(s)
  3. Meh.

    0 vote(s)
  4. Too weird.

    0 vote(s)
  1. This is just to add some major weirdness to the game. :alien: Imagine blocks that get up and wander away!

    Not all moving blocks would actually be alive. There would also blocks that move in response to the environment, such as sand, and specially crafted blocks which move in a pre-programmed pattern, resulting in moving platforms. Such blocks would also move anything that has been fixed to them, as long as its not attached to something immovable (Thanks to Flixfox, Shahab and Wilcol for their input).

    However, there would also be "living" blocks which react to their environment. One example would be "Somnambulite", a strange mineral useful for creating cloaking devices and darkness-creating equipment. However, during the night, exposed blocks of this material detach themselves from the surrounding rock face and walk away to a more secluded location, burrowing a short distance into the ground for a good night's sleep. Shooting moving Somnambulite would cause it to become inanimate for a minute or so, fixing itself to the nearest surface.

    Another idea would be "Hermite", useful for creating strong walls and armour. It reacts immediately when exposed to air, running away or burrowing deeper to escape the player. Shooting moving Hermite has no effect, but standing on it prevents it from moving. This would add an element of puzzle-solving to some mining expeditions, requiring the player to surround Hermite deposits with materials too hard for it to burrow through before mining, or simply digging down onto the Hermite deposits from above.

    Finally, on some planets, the soil itself could be mobile. A player could retire to their base when it gets dark, only to wake the next morning and find that the landscape has rearranged itself!

    I realise that this is a very silly idea, but as always, any comments are welcome.
  2. LightHoof

    LightHoof Pangalactic Porcupine

    Looks like a way to implement quicksand. Go to sleep just to find all the base burrowed into soil the next morning. Nice idea!
    Inferno_Draconis likes this.
  3. Catoosie

    Catoosie Heliosphere

    Love the idea of a moving planet! I can see a planet that kind of has a constant earthquake kind of thing, and is being pulled apart at a certain spot.
    Inferno_Draconis likes this.
  4. Kcribbin

    Kcribbin Phantasmal Quasar

    I would freak out often, sitting in my house or in the open, then suddenly, lots of things are moving outside :unsure:
  5. Flixfox

    Flixfox Big Damn Hero

    Creatable moving platforms would be really ccool too!
    LordChickenMan likes this.
  6. Shahab

    Shahab Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    oh nice idea.make a thread about quick sand.
    would be pretty cool
    Inferno_Draconis likes this.
  7. Wilcol

    Wilcol Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    What about sand dunes? You need to build protective barriers on desert planets to stop yourself getting buried. Also, you could then find ruins when the sand shifts.
    Inferno_Draconis likes this.
  8. ~~Edit~~

    Thanks for the input, everyone. I've added a couple of your ideas to the text.
    Wilcol likes this.
  9. mrmcmo

    mrmcmo Guest

    It would be funny, especially if you make a random sidewalk out of hermite :rofl:
    Wilcol likes this.
  10. Wilcol

    Wilcol Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    'Damnit! The path has shifted again'
    'Why the hell did you make it out of Hermite, anyway?'
    Inferno_Draconis likes this.
  11. Run Juan Run

    Run Juan Run Big Damn Hero

    you could even have snow that falls in the night
    Inferno_Draconis likes this.
  12. Wilcol

    Wilcol Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    And also rain filling up areas. Maybe only in Jungle planets, during a monsoon or something.
  13. Bear in mind that this thread is about blocks, not weather patterns. Lets try to keep this discussion on topic, please.
  14. Danvern

    Danvern Space Spelunker

    Seems like a good idea, It would help with stuff like the "Tentacle Planet" you could have a living planet or something like the giant planet-bot from the old transformers movie
  15. Wilcol

    Wilcol Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yeah, water blocks.
  16. Hap818

    Hap818 Pangalactic Porcupine

    That would be kinda pointless, i love it:) they could carry things or do things or you could stand on them or sit and ride them
    I<3Terraria likes this.

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