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Mod Frustrations on Mobile

Discussion in 'Support' started by Simi678, Nov 26, 2019.

  1. Simi678

    Simi678 Yeah, You!

    Hey! I have an android and I'm trying to download a mod where I could change the character's portraits. It's not working. Does it have something to do with the mobile version?
    • Lady Ordinary

      Lady Ordinary Void-Bound Voyager

      I use a different method. I downloaded xnbLoader mod and placed it in the mods folder (it woks fine, don't worry) There should be folders there and all you need to do is place the portrait .xnb in the portraits folder.

      I hope my instructions made sense...
      • Simi678

        Simi678 Yeah, You!

        Where did you download it from?
        • Lady Ordinary

          Lady Ordinary Void-Bound Voyager

        • Simi678

          Simi678 Yeah, You!

          I'm having trouble. What was your process of getting it to work so I could have reference?

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