Just realised a new ship: Starbug 1 http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/starbug-1-ship.46686/ if you want to add it
It looks like the hotlink to it in the Other Section was wrong. It has been fixed now. Sorry about that!
I can't download any mod that's attached to the forum, it always returns the "This attachment cannot be shown at this time. Please try back later." error.
Bandus can you remove the items crate mod and replace it with my more recent one? It got blocked by a moderator after going into a catfight with aMannus, so its no longer to date
Hey ! I just add a hairstyle mod. Can you add it to the list when you get free time please ? http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/patchworkhaircut-1-0.106/ Thanks a lot !
I posted this simple mod, so... http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/no-durability-mod.49224/
http://community.playstarbound.com/...bs-better-lantern-backpacks-sprite-mod.51138/ Made a sprite mod that changes the lantern backpack with a couple variations if you'd like to add it to the list.
Tool for modifying your character colors to pretty much any colors. It directly modifies the player save file to accomplish this and is fully usable in game. http://community.playstarbound.com/...ize-your-player-colors-using-any-color.50849/
Frostmourne Mulit-Buster Sword Zebra Rifle Could you add these three aswell, the Zebra Rifle seems to be getting no publicity even though its a great weapon...
for anyone that was interested in my skip mod there has been an update today (12/13/2013. also op, you can write someone's name such that it links to their profile page @Shamyi that might be good for the author names tho it may end up being harder to read as the links to mods and author pages all mixed together.. hmm.. thanks, was great seeing my mod up on this list
Can you add my mod as well? http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/bigger-chests.200/
Please add my mod to others it just a simple rename mod http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/better-stimpack-names.52605/
Could you add my server/client mod synchronizer/manager? http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/starbind-mod-synchronizer.52421/
Sorry for the delay in getting mods added! I was traveling on planes most of the weekend and have not had a chance to update the list. With that said (and before I spend a bunch of time bringing it up to date), I have noticed the awesome staff of Starbound have added the following section to the website: http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/ I feel like this section may ultimately obsolete the mod list I created, which is just fine if it does the job better. I like the way they've done it, however, I'm interested in what others think. So that raises the question: Should the mod list continue to be updated going forward or should we use the provided resource the Starbound staff have created? Let me know what you think. Thanks!
The mods are flowing in now at an insane speed, it might be too much work to keep up with. What we could use now would be some sort of spotlighting of awesome/undernoticed mods.