Mode crash error .. please help

Discussion in 'Mods' started by ThereseBelivet, Feb 15, 2020.

  1. ThereseBelivet

    ThereseBelivet Space Hobo

    I'm a novice user.
    I get the following message that the mode may crash. Can you tell me what the error is?
    I can see the red letters even though I deleted the error mode or replaced it with a new version.

    [StardustCore] Mod crashed on entry and might not work correctly. Technical details:
    StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Exceptions.SContentLoadException: Failed loading asset 'ModAssets \ Fonts \ Vanilla \ 0.png' from SMAPI \ omegasis.stardustcore: the specified path doesn't exist.
       Location: StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ContentManagers.ModContentManager.Load [T] (String assetName, LanguageCode language, Boolean useCache) File C: \ source \ _Stardew \ SMAPI \ src \ SMAPI \ Framework \ ContentManagers \ ModContentManager.cs: Line 114
       Location: StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModHelpers.ContentHelper.Load [T] (String key, ContentSource source) File C: \ source \ _Stardew \ SMAPI \ src \ SMAPI \ Framework \ ModHelpers \ ContentHelper.cs: Line 97
       Location: StardustCore.UIUtilities.SpriteFonts.Components.TexturedCharacter..ctor (Char Character, String PathToTexture, Color color) File C: \ Users \ janav \ Desktop \ StardewMods \ Stardew_Valley_Mods \ GeneralMods \ StardustCore \ UIUtilities \ SpriteFonts \ Fonts TexturedCharacter.cs: Line 22
       Location: StardustCore.UIUtilities.SpriteFonts.CharacterSheets.VanillaCharacterSheet..ctor (String directoryToFonts) file C: \ Users \ janav \ Desktop \ StardewMods \ Stardew_Valley_Mods \ GeneralMods \ StardustCore \ UIUtilities \ SpriteFonts \ ShactercserCharacter
       Location: StardustCore.UIUtilities.SpriteFonts.Fonts.VanillaFont..ctor () File C: \ Users \ janav \ Desktop \ StardewMods \ Stardew_Valley_Mods \ GeneralMods \ StardustCore \ UIUtilities \ SpriteFonts \ Fonts \ VanillaFont.cs: Line
       Location: StardustCore.UIUtilities.SpriteFonts.SpriteFonts.initialize () File C: \ Users \ janav \ Desktop \ StardewMods \ Stardew_Valley_Mods \ GeneralMods \ StardustCore \ UIUtilities \ SpriteFonts \ SpriteFont.cs: Line 16
       Location: StardustCore.ModCore.Entry (IModHelper helper) file C: \ Users \ janav \ Desktop \ StardewMods \ Stardew_Valley_Mods \ GeneralMods \ StardustCore \ ModCore.cs: Line 34
       Location: StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.LoadMods (IModMetadata [] mods, JsonHelper jsonHelper, ContentCoordinator contentCore, ModDatabase modDatabase) File C: \ source \ _Stardew \ SMAPI \ src \ SMAPI \ Framework \ SCore.cs: Line 835
    • Melindee

      Melindee Big Damn Hero

      This is a known issue with Stardust Core. Here's a suggestion from a post from the Nexus page:

      I was having the same issue. I did some digging and I noticed that the old version had a folder called Content that included the Font folder that the program is looking for. I looked at the preview of files in the latest update and that folder is not included. I happened to not delete the old version when I updated to this one, so that file was still in the mod folder. However, I renamed the "Content" folder to say "ModAssets" and then I didn't get the error message. If you didn't already have the previous version or you deleted it before updating to the new version, you will need to either wait for the author to get it fixed or maybe download the previous version first to generate that folder, and then update to the new version without deleting the old file first. Then just go in and rename the content folder to say ModAssets instead.

      Hope this helps!

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