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RELEASED Monkeypex V1

Those born with tails; had them removed. Those who kept them; were considered lesser beings.

  1. Wulf_Oman

    Wulf_Oman Existential Complex

    Notice: This only changes the .png file, nothing else, so I doubt it will ever become outdated - no matter how large the update is (unless they remove Apex completely, but then this mod is useless - and I doubt that will ever happen)

    A very simple mod I made a while ago, it just adds monkey tails to Apex characters (making them monkeys...hence Monkeypex).

    Disclaimer: I know Apex are apes, but tails are cool in my opinion



    Hunting+ Incarnate can be found here
    Crystalworks Rebirth can be found here

    Atomworks Rebirth can be found here
    My Other Mods can be found here
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2015
  2. face21

    face21 Void-Bound Voyager

    Apex are apes not monkeys so they don't have tails but whatever
    trevtrev800 likes this.
  3. Wulf_Oman

    Wulf_Oman Existential Complex

    Fair enough, but I guess some people might like to consider them monkeys
  4. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Florans do.

    But then, florans aren't known to be very bright.
  5. Glitterfrost

    Glitterfrost Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Okay, so the thing is though, Apex are suppose to be apes, not monkeys.
    I like the idea of this mod, but it does conflict with the lore a bit.
    ...Maybe they could add in something like, "Those born with tails, had them removed. Those who kept them, were considered low-lifes."
    Something about "Apes being smarter than monkeys," or whatnot.

    It would be cool to have tails as an optional cosmetic, during character creation.
  6. Wulf_Oman

    Wulf_Oman Existential Complex

    Many fair points
  7. shaun4519

    shaun4519 Phantasmal Quasar

    the reason this isn't part of the vanilla game is that apex are apes and not monkeys
    I'm not hating, I think your mod is intresting
  8. Wulf_Oman

    Wulf_Oman Existential Complex

    Not aiming for it to be vanilla
    Also, now I changed the mod name so hopefully it pleases you lot

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