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More detailed death reports, please

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Slaughterfest Sam, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. Slaughterfest Sam

    Slaughterfest Sam Orbital Explorer

    I would love to see how much damage from what contributed to my death. Sometimes there's just so much going on that "this is the thing what killed you" just isn't enough. Did that Blighted Rock golem REALLY just deal over 600 damage in one strike? Or did something else soften me up in the instant before I was CLAP'd into oblivion by a bad landing into its outstretched arms, Time-Keeper's secret going "TICK TICK TICK TICK" over my dead body like a puppy trying to nudge a dead man back onto his feet? I mean, sure, "Phantasms=Bad News, try to stay away" is an obvious lesson to take away from dying one hit, and I probably don't need a death report to tell me that. But what can I say, Dota 2 and LoL have spoiled me into expecting a detailed loadout of my demise to help soften (or harden) the blow.

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