More Ores & Materials

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by Jackson, Apr 24, 2012.

  1. Jackson

    Jackson Space Spelunker

    Hi all

    Just wanted to say I hope that Starbound has heaps of different blocks, but also various materials to build with. I've heard people wanting steel and stuff like that, but please add plenty of ores or materials to craft AWESOME things out of. This is where i feel Minecraft is lacking. I Love Minecraft but with the same few ores to craft things out of you run out of things to mine too quickly (Unless you download more ore mods and stuff). This is also where Terraria did pretty well. With it's massive 1.1 update it added Cobalt, Mythril and Adamentine (or however you spell it) and this really added reason to keep exploring. I realise that Starbound will have infinite planets to explore and it would be awesome to have certain minerals (real or not) that reside on certain types of planets or planets with high difficulty levels that can be used to craft hard to get things.

    Any ideas for new ores
    BTW: This is my first post :)
  2. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    Realise that terraria and minecraft aren't the only games with ores and minerals.

    Congradulations to your first post.

    I can imagine lots of ores in this game are made up due to it being held in a massive universe of unknown stars.
  3. Jackson

    Jackson Space Spelunker

    True, their just the first sandbox-ish games i thought of

    I agree
    They seem to be doing an amazing job on Starbound and I don't think anyone (unless they're a troll) is going to be disappointed!
    Zailiner likes this.

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