More recipes and nut trees?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by seth0et0holth, Dec 12, 2016.

  1. seth0et0holth

    seth0et0holth Star Wrangler

    So here's some ideas I have that would allow more use for various items, especially the tree items that seem woefully underused.

    Seasonal Pies/Cobblers: Clones of the Blackberry Cobbler or Rhubarb Pie, basically. Cherry, Peach, and Apple.

    Baked Apple (simple, only needs an apple and maybe sugar)

    Peaches and Cream (peach + high quality milk)

    Apricot Candy

    Cherry Cordial (cherry + cherry wine)

    Ambrosia (orange + peach + milk + sugar)

    Fruitcake (one of each tree fruit + a berry + sugar, and despite its complexity generally hated)

    Onigiri (rice+seaweed without the fish that makes a Maki Roll, could be made into Plum Onigiri with plum)

    Fall Salad (Hazelnut + Pomegrante + Bok Choy)

    Vampire's Feast (and if you have a vampire character ever introduced, he or she would love this....) Void Mayonnaise + Tomato + Red Plate.

    Nut trees: Hazelnuts as trees, not forage. Almond trees
      _PandorasBox_ and Baruch_S like this.
    • Baruch_S

      Baruch_S Big Damn Hero

      The recipes are good and look interesting, especially since you've intentionally tried to make the tree fruits more useful. Fruitcake has to be my favorite, though--lots of work and resources for a useless brick that no one wants.

      Nut trees would also be interesting; I like what you've suggested so far about almonds and hazelnuts. I'd add walnuts and pecans, too.
        seth0et0holth likes this.
      • seth0et0holth

        seth0et0holth Star Wrangler

        That would be awesome too! I think walnut and pecan trees would be good :)

        ETA: I'd also like to see pomegrante trees replaced with plum trees and the pom made into the forage item. Mostly because pomegrantes are barely worth the space of the tree, only usable for a wizard gift and one community center bundle. Plums meanwhile have one dish already, they can make preserves and I think wine now... they're more useful so unless we find more use for pomegrantes, I'd really hope pom trees get replaced with plums (which could also look awesome as a palette swap of cherry trees :) )
          Last edited: Dec 12, 2016
        • Surenu

          Surenu The End of Time

          Considering plums and poms: Why not both? I'd love more variety on fruit trees. Half my farm is fruit trees. And if we get nut trees in addition, well, I guess I can sell of those iridium sprinklers that currently power my completely redundant corn production because I'd go crazy on those. There are actually walnut trees where I live, though I don't eat those since they're directly next to a major road.
            seth0et0holth likes this.
          • Surenu

            Surenu The End of Time

            Talking about recipes: What about popcorn?
              seth0et0holth likes this.
            • seth0et0holth

              seth0et0holth Star Wrangler

              YES we do need more corn recipes: it's one of the two-season crops and it's also one of the most useless - just tortillas and I think corn juice? Popcorn and/or corn on the cob would be good, and/or whiskey if we could do that within rating limits.

              Also, both would be awesome. Half my current farm is quickly becoming trees, because I like to do more stuff than just water all the time, and I think a mostly tree/flower farm is cool
              • Surenu

                Surenu The End of Time

                Well, whisky is at least mentioned in the game (Major Lewis during the Luau), and whether it's hard or strong alcohol doesn't seem to affect ratings that much, especially with CA's "Drink in moderation"-disclaimer. Other, stronger topics such as alcoholism, depression, suicidal thoughts, warfare etc. are also already in the game but presented in a respectful and tasteful way and have not affected the rating, so I can't see why the ability to produce booze should. Also, remember what Spongebob Squarepants has gotten away with over the years ;)
                  seth0et0holth likes this.
                • Surenu

                  Surenu The End of Time

                  Back to the popcorn - didn't Jodi make some in a heart event? Is she the only one who knows how to make popcorn? The keeper of the popcorn recipe? The ancient mistress of cinema treats?
                    seth0et0holth likes this.

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