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RELEASED More Saplings For Starbound 1.2.2

EVERY tree in the game now drops 2 saplings or more, even the ones that never dropped a sapling

  1. KateisLost

    KateisLost Cosmic Narwhal

    So upon further testing I have discovered an odd thing. The patch I am currently using for a few of the trees, Icesphere, Geometric, and Crystalline( though I haven't found a world to test this one) only seems to work on trees I spawn in, not ones you can find in the wild. The spawned in ones will drop their sapling just like they should but the wild ones drop nothing for me. I have no idea why this is and I have tried many different patches to fix it. Nothing has worked so far. The wild trees either drop nothing or drop PGI's, even with a straight dirty edit( PGI's in the dirty edit case).

    This is the error I get when the trees drop PGI's

    Error: Could not instantiate item '[sapling, 2, {"stemName":"","stemHueShift":-8.78009,"foliageName":"","foliageHueShift":0}]'. (PlantDatabaseException) stemName '' not found in plant database
    I have been testing the Icesphere tree on a world at these coordinates (Thanks to the Coordinates mega thread for this one)


    Sadalsuud Legion V - a

    And testing the Geometric trees on a world at these coordinates


    Vindemiatrix Cluster I

    Anyone have any ideas on what the difference is between spawned and wild trees? Why would one drop saplings and the other not?
  2. KateisLost

    KateisLost Cosmic Narwhal

    KateisLost updated More Saplings with a new update entry:

    I think I fixed them all!!!

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. KateisLost

    KateisLost Cosmic Narwhal

  4. Astrih Konnash

    Astrih Konnash Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Will you update the mod for 1.0?
  5. KateisLost

    KateisLost Cosmic Narwhal

    I plan too, it just might be a little while(few weeks at most). Life is really busy for me right now.
    Shadox2.0 and Astrih Konnash like this.
  6. Astrih Konnash

    Astrih Konnash Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Take your time, everyone got their RL issues to deal with. ^_^
  7. LazerRay

    LazerRay Cosmic Narwhal

    I'm glad to see this mod might get updated soon, I'm not in a hurry for it since I too have a mod to patch up myself and a few others to update with new versions.
  8. Shadox2.0

    Shadox2.0 Spaceman Spiff

    Yep same as other above , very impatient to be able to plant steampunk tree in my glitch planet x)

    Edit : ok steampunk tree arent really a tree so i cant make sapling of that , however i can make sapling of metal tree , and it was my main need. (+ the fact i can combine rust tree and metal tree)
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2016
  9. Capt_slowpoke

    Capt_slowpoke Phantasmal Quasar

    These trees don't seem to be dropping saplings, just plant fiber and treated wood:
    [​IMG] [/spoiler
  10. Shadox2.0

    Shadox2.0 Spaceman Spiff

    But it's logic since they don't have leaf , no ?

    also its not the question but this link can help for have matching ideas.
  11. LazerRay

    LazerRay Cosmic Narwhal

    Those tree types never dropped saplings, even with this mod installed, go for the ones with flowers on them, you will get a lot of plant fiber, giant pedals, and saplings.
  12. Shadox2.0

    Shadox2.0 Spaceman Spiff

    You need this mod for be able to creat your own sapling , with the choice of trunk , choice of leaf , and be able to craft a radiant of 72 different colors for leafs (if i'm right).

    Have fun , i can play without :p
  13. Mooncalf99

    Mooncalf99 Spaceman Spiff

    The alien trees with big round bulbs stop dropping fruit with this mod installed. This completely ruins the purpose of my plantation. Please fix, my Novakid needs her antigrav juice fix. (And the money.)
  14. LazerRay

    LazerRay Cosmic Narwhal

    The round leaf trees never dropped alien fruit, you want the ones with the broad purple leaves for that, that is a function of base game.
  15. Mooncalf99

    Mooncalf99 Spaceman Spiff

    No, the round leaf trees very much drop alien fruit. I've made thousands of pixels from selling the juice. That's the whole point of me flattening out a whole valley and filling it with alien trees and lumberbots. I wouldn't be complaining about this suddenly stopping if there wasn't anything to stop in the first place, right?
  16. LazerRay

    LazerRay Cosmic Narwhal

    I never got alien fruit from the round leaf trees, only from the broad leaf ones, and I can confirm this with the Starbound wiki.


    And if you are that desperate for Alien Fruit, I suggest get he Craftable Seeds mod, it now can turn alien fruit and coconuts into their respective saplings.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
  17. Capt_slowpoke

    Capt_slowpoke Phantasmal Quasar

    Ah, so this only increases the spawn chance to 100% but doesn't make saplings for trees that wouldn't drop them normally? I swear I had something last version that let everything drop them, even dead trees.
  18. Shadox2.0

    Shadox2.0 Spaceman Spiff

    It's why i dont use this mod , if steampunk ""tree"" was able to drop sapling with the mod ok , but about "vanilla" sapling i use that.
  19. LazerRay

    LazerRay Cosmic Narwhal

    The Steampunk trees drop saplings with this mod, along with several others that normally don't drop any, but there are still a few trees that can't be replanted.

    If you have this mod installed, experiment with each tree you encounter, cut one down and see if it drops saplings, if it does grab a few more, if it doesn't move on.
  20. Shadox2.0

    Shadox2.0 Spaceman Spiff

    At the moment i've already around 40 mod so 'ill see , but i'm maybe already able to copy past them with WEdit.

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