Tool Multibound Reborn

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Typlosion14, Jul 3, 2019.

  1. Typlosion14

    Typlosion14 Starship Captain

    you need to take all the mods in your instance to the original folder, for mods it's Starbound/mods but I don't know where it's the folder of your instance
  2. Typlosion14

    Typlosion14 Starship Captain

    Hello, you need to put the ID of the collection forgot to say it xd
    Like for this collection I use :
    You need to put 1357125616
    Wilsonionium likes this.
  3. rylasasin

    rylasasin Cosmic Narwhal

    Sounds like this thing is even less convenient than the original one.
  4. Typlosion14

    Typlosion14 Starship Captain

    like i say it's not very user friendly,
    I will need to move all the files from the instances create by Multibound to the initial starbound
  5. Wilsonionium

    Wilsonionium Void-Bound Voyager

  6. Typlosion14

    Typlosion14 Starship Captain

    With that screen for me that will work, do you install it correctly like in readme ? when you launch multibound do you choose the Modded instance ? If when you are on the main screen on starbound and you click on the gear the "Workshop" button is grey, try to restart steam
  7. Wilsonionium

    Wilsonionium Void-Bound Voyager

    I tried setting the launch options like in readme, but steam says it's missing an executable or something.
  8. Typlosion14

    Typlosion14 Starship Captain

    Can you give the all the line you put in the launch options ?
  9. Wilsonionium

    Wilsonionium Void-Bound Voyager

    D:\Software\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\win64\Multibound Reborn.exe %command%
  10. Wilsonionium

    Wilsonionium Void-Bound Voyager

    I meant the D drive, not this emote.
  11. Wilsonionium

    Wilsonionium Void-Bound Voyager

    I found the solution. You should change the readme file to avoid confusion. Multibound Reborn.exe MUST be renamed to Multibound_Reborn.exe or other name that doesn't have space in it, otherwise steam will not recognise it.

  12. Wilsonionium

    Wilsonionium Void-Bound Voyager

  13. Typlosion14

    Typlosion14 Starship Captain

    You need to write our path beetween quote like "D.:\Software\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\win64\Multibound Reborn.exe" %command%
    I will rewrite the readme for avoid your problem
    Wilsonionium likes this.
  14. Wilsonionium

    Wilsonionium Void-Bound Voyager

    I see. Thank you for cooperation.
    Typlosion14 likes this.
  15. Typlosion14

    Typlosion14 Starship Captain

    Thank for share your point of view and I'm happy to see my tool not only used by myself ^^
  16. APhatB-24

    APhatB-24 Space Hobo

    i was wondering how do i make another instance to load? (notice i am retarded)
  17. Palas_Chan

    Palas_Chan Void-Bound Voyager

    I need put the starbound link AND the workshop link? if yes how i can make this?
  18. Typlosion14

    Typlosion14 Starship Captain

    You can use the Multibound Reborn Editor

    • Right-click on Starbound under the Library in Steam and select Properties.
    • Under the Local Files tab click the Browse Local files button.
    • It's your starbound link
    • And for the workshop link just change "/common/Starbound" with "/workshop/content/211820"
  19. katzedial

    katzedial Space Hobo

    any chance you can add separate save files for each profile? so that when i play with a different mod collection, i don't have to backup my saves manually... this feature was present in the original multibound and it was one of my favorite things about it, i would love to see it in your version if possible
  20. Typlosion14

    Typlosion14 Starship Captain

    I will try to do this (I can do it, I just need more time xd)

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