Hey Affero any chance you could make a Mega-thread and post all of your ideas there rather than make a new thread for each one? Not trying to be bossy or mean, just a thought. I really like your art/ideas and it would be nice to find them all in one place rather than sift through all of the different threads.
Just ask Mollygos, Ghostar, Rho, ....or any of them to merge your threads. I'm sure they'll be happy to help. Also, more people can see your cool ideas that way
I present to you Plantoid creature. Name: Purpurea Pavus. (Or flesheating plant-peacock) Drops/Loot Poisonous powder 12% Giant leaf 70% Plant beak 20% Plant-ish limbs 10% Big eyes 50% Environment/Habitat Jungle planets and planets with much vegitation. Medium threat level Spawn Rate/Spawning Conditions In tight forests and jungles 25% Spawn rate Health/Mana/Energy/Armor 210 HP 0 Mana 30 Energy 125 Arm Movement See above picture Attacks/Damage Ranged attack. Spits slimey mucus/gew at you at a great velocity, be sure to dodge because it's poisonous and might even cause paralysis for a short amount of time. Let me know what you guys think!
New mob ! Name: Eyelops. Drops/Loot Eyelid 50% Giant Eyeball 70% Pupil 20% Limbs 10%Vision potion 5% Environment/Habitat Planets with low gravitational pull. Low threat level. Moons Dark or medium bright places, hence the big eyes it's sensitive to strong sunlight. That raises a question, perhaps you could kill it with a flashlight or such? Spawn Rate/Spawning Conditions Plainy fields with low gravity. Dusty and rocky biomes (Not deserts however) Health/Mana/Energy/Armor 110 HP 300 Mana 150 Energy 10 Arm Movement Hops around with it's two feet/hands. Attacks/Damage Ranged attacks, it could shoot laser out of it's eyes or such. Let me know what you guys think!
NEW!! New mob: Spasmic Plasma Cuboid Drops/Loot It contains a mixure of red metals such as Copper brass and bronze. 50% Drop on Copper, brass and bronze bars. Up to 3 of each. Red metallic cube 15% Plasma energy (To capture in some container) 7% Environment/Habitat Planets with lots of gas & energy. High threat Moons Spawn Rate/Spawning Conditions 5% spawn rate Health/Mana/Energy/Armor 300 HP 0 Mana 350 Energy 0 Arm Movement Hovers Attacks/Damage Ranged attacks. It gives away electrical pulses in all directions for a few meters. Let me know what you guys think!
NEW CREATURE: FISH Drops/Loot Fisheye 10% Orange Scales 30% Blue Scales 30% Fish meat 70% Environment/Habitat Lakes Oceans Low threat level. Spawn Rate/Spawning Conditions In water 40% Health/Mana/Energy/Armor 20 HP 0 Mana 0 Energy 0 Arm Movement Swim very fast Attacks/Damage No attacks, it's totally harmless.
NEW CREATURE: JELLYFISH Drops/Loot Tentacle 40% Purple Orb 10% Gel 30% Environment/Habitat Lakes Oceans Low threat level. Spawn Rate/Spawning Conditions In water 25% Health/Mana/Energy/Armor 40 HP 0 Mana 50 Energy 0 Arm Movement Bounces around in the water (You get the deal) Attacks/Damage It can deal a small amount of electricity damage to you. Also it can drain your energy and even overload your flashlight, thus breaking it. Let me know what you guys think!
NEW STUFF First of all, I'd like you to check out this awesome puffy cap! Secondly, there is Hazmat Suits! Then there is a typical Bivalve shell with and without a pearl in it. Let me know what you guys think!
I can definetely do that. In just a sec! NEW CREATURE: CRAB (Feel free to use it Chucklefish!) Mockup: Drops/Loot Crab Shell 30% Crab meat 10% Claw 30% Fish meat (From it's stomach) 20% Environment/Habitat Lakes Oceans Beaches High threat level Spawn Rate/Spawning Conditions In water 10% Health/Mana/Energy/Armor 300 HP 0 Mana 0 Energy 150 Arm Movement Walks sideways very fast Attacks/Damage Claw attack 80 DMG Rams you 10 DMG Let me know what you guys think!