I'm a Freelance Illustrator who creates whimsical cartoon style designs. Harvest Moon has been a huge influence on my work (mostly Back to Nature as you may be able to tell) along with other shows and video games. After years of advertising through Instagram, I have finally set up a facebook page for my designs. Please take a look, and if you could like my page and follow it's growth, that would really mean a lot to me! www.facebook.com/mikomiji www.etsy.com/uk/shop/mikomiji Here is a Tree of Life which was heavily inspired by Harvest Moon: As a bit of a fun, I will draw a Stardew Valley/Harvest Moon Character in this cutesy chibi style once I've finished my current commissions. Comment on this Thread here telling me what character you would like to see. I will pick one at random by using an online random draw website. If you like my facebook page, you will go in for another draw to win a free copy of the digital print when it has been finished! Thank you to all who like and share.