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My Public Server

Discussion in 'Public Servers' started by xrevxoltx, Dec 15, 2013.

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  1. xrevxoltx

    xrevxoltx Tentacle Wrangler

    I'm opening my server to the public.

    The IP address is and it's hosted on a 64-bit Linux-based 4x vCPU (Intel Xeon), 4GB RAM, 4GB vSwap, 5TB bandwidth, 1Gbps link VPS located in Dallas, TX.

    The rules are simple:

    1. Don't be a douche.
    2. I don't care if you give yourself items, but if you find something that crashes peoples' games or the server, refer to rule #1.
    3. Don't destroy other peoples' creations without their permission.
    4. Don't loot other peoples' creations without their permission.
    5. Always refer to rule #1 before doing anything.

    The server will be up 24/7 unless it needs to be rebooted to reduce resource utilization (which will hopefully be rarely) or when a patch is released. Warning will be given prior to reboot. The world will likewise not be restarted unless a patch necessitates it.

    My character name is Adam.

    Have fun.
  2. xrevxoltx

    xrevxoltx Tentacle Wrangler

    Things may get laggy at times. I'll see what I can do about getting more CPU resources allocated to the VPS.
  3. xrevxoltx

    xrevxoltx Tentacle Wrangler

    Setup a simple server status page at:

    Vote ban doesn't work yet but will shortly.

    Let me know if you want to hide a system you're building on.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2013
  4. xrevxoltx

    xrevxoltx Tentacle Wrangler

  5. xrevxoltx

    xrevxoltx Tentacle Wrangler

    Latest patch seems to have nuked player files. If you're encountering an error, go to your Starbound player directory (generally C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Starbound\player) and delete all of the files.

    If anybody wants help getting back to where they were, send me a PM or hit me up on the server.
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