*A floran enters the cafe and take a seat. From the looks of what she is wearing, it looks like she is a crew of a spaceship* "Floran wantsss to eat. Floran order a meal with meat." *Looks confused and thinking about something*
"Floran kinda like the captain. Floran thinksss the captain is kinda cute. This isss one of the reason why floran join hisss ship. But floran hasss a problem, the captain isss a human, and floran doesn't know what to do?" *Start to eat her meal*
"What ssshould floran do then? Floran looksss scary and wild. Floran doesn't think the captain likesss floran." *Continue eating her meal*
"Floran will try the bessst then. Floran say thanksss to you for the advicesss. By the way Floran name is Nkenya."
*Finish her eating* "Here is the pixelsss. The meal is tasssty, Floran like it. Now Floran need to go to the restroom. Is there any ressstroom here?"
*The floran goes directly to the bathroom, leaving her seat* *Not long after that, a human and his friend, a hylotl enters the cafe and take a seat in front of the bar* "I order a coffee, and a tea for my friend here." *They seems to debating about something*
"I can't believe I let her wander away, I mean she is a new recruit and she is still young, and her older brother told me that she might get too excited about the outer world." "Well it is not entirely your fault, captain" "Hmm... I guess you're right... And it is because you are the one that supposed to watch her!" "I am sorry! I got distracted. She asked me to make a poem about leaves and twigs. I can't help it, I got too exicited about it." "Great... Now we need to find her. Where in the world she might be?" *Stop talking and start to drink what they order*
"..." *The man answers nothing and still angry about the situation* "I am very sorry, please forgive my captain. He is very worried right now, because one of his new recruit went missing." "And yes, we desperately looking for someone." *The hylotl replied*