Modding Help Need help making custom horse mod

Discussion in 'Mods' started by LuckyLeafeon, Dec 13, 2019.

  1. LuckyLeafeon

    LuckyLeafeon Aquatic Astronaut

    Before we start, I'm still very very new to modding, so if you can, please keep things as simple as possible!
    Okay so I've got my sprite sheet all set out and my sprites all made, this is an ingame issue I'm trying to fix. I'm trying to replace the horse with a vintage 1930s Bentley. Because it's a car and not a horse, I'd like to make it so that the player sprite, when riding it, doesn't bob up and down, but instead stays in place along with the car. Is there a way to accomplish this?
    In addition, I'd like to make the Bentley logo be the icon that displays in the inventory, rather than the horse head. However, it seems like the game just sticks anything in the "horse head icon" sprite sheet slot on top of the downwards-moving horse sprite when ridden. Is there a way to change the horse inventory icon, without having that new icon pasted on top of my car in the overworld?
    Thank you in advance!!

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