Modding Help Need help with bow/projectile

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by TigrexDai, Jan 24, 2021.

  1. TigrexDai

    TigrexDai Void-Bound Voyager

    Recently I tried to code our spirit bows.
    The effect I want to achieve is to have multiple shots fired once the bow is released instead of split in mid air. So I tried to modify 'actionOnReap' and 'timeToLive' etc.
    The idea is have a new projectile with very short timetolive and after that create several normal projectiles in order to split.
    Everything is ok, however, when you just click once, the arrows just drop insanely fast (because the normal projectile's speed is high) towards the floor and make it look hilarious.
    How can I fix it?

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