Need help with logic behind toggleable door

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Obamarama, Jun 24, 2018.

  1. Obamarama

    Obamarama Void-Bound Voyager

    I am currently attempting to wire up a system for two pressure plates to toggle a door open or closed depending on if the door is open or closed already and the order in which they're pressed. The plates surround the door on both sides, and the logic i'm attempting to wire up is that if one of the plates is pressed and the door is closed, then the other plate must be pressed to close it and the door will remain open until then. I could normally do this with a persistent switch but since I want to make it dual sided (so that it can open or close off either of them, just depending on the order they're pressed in), that method doesn't work since using two persistent switches for each plate order wired up to the door will just keep it open permanently. I figure it probably needs some sort of data latch or XOR incremental system to work but I'm uncertain how to do that with these gates. A diagram for reference is below:

    Door Diagram.jpg
  2. Madmn967

    Madmn967 Seal Broken

    you can do it with 2 small wall switches, 2 nots, 2 latches, and 2 ands. its probably possible to simplify it but i haven't got the time.

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